promote[ˈprəməut]v.促进,推动,宣传,发扬,提升,升格 ‖ promote a higher military rank晋衔 promote agriculture by applying sci-tech科技兴农 promote a rational flow of surplus personnel促进富余人员合理流动 promote good prenatal and postnatal care搞好优生优育 promote healthy tendency伸张正气 promote rational flow of property right促进产权合理流动 promote reemployment促进再就业 promote the commercialization of housing促进住房商品化 promote the counter-corruption and honest administration反腐倡廉 promote the normalization of relations between the two countries促进两国关系正常化 promote to a higher office晋升 promote to a post擢用 promote to the next round晋级 promoting club举办比赛的俱乐部 promoting mergers tax credit促进企业并合税收抵免 promoting the pawn兵的升变 promotion n.晋级,提升,提高,促销,促进 ◇promotion by selection选拔晋衔 promotion bar晋升关限 promotion blockage阻碍晋升 promotion board晋升选拔委员会 promotion budget推销预算 promotion decisions促销决策 promotional effor t促销努力 promotion examination升级考试,升学考试 promotion exercise晋升选拔,晋升选拔工作 promotion expenses推广费,开办费 promotion from within (PFW)内部提升 promotion grade晋升职系 promotion in absentia缺席提升,缺席擢升 promotion interview晋升面试 promotion media推广媒介 promotion mix促销组合 promotion of family planning to control the population size and improve the health of the people实行计划生育、控制人口数量、提高人口素质 promotion of post提职 promotion on a personal basis按个人条件提升 promotion policy促销策略,晋升政策 promotion post晋升职位 promotion prospect晋升机会,升职机会 promotion rank晋升职级 promotion ratio晋升比率 promotion square升变格 promotion step晋升点 promotion strategy促销策略 promotion to a higher grade and military rank晋级晋衔 promotion to a higher post and military rank晋职晋衔 promotion worker推销员 sales promotion促销 promotional adj.增进的,奖励的 promotional allowance业务推广奖励,促销折让 promotional allowance discount业务推广奖励折扣 promotional budget推销预算 promotional literature宣传刊物 promotional pricing促销定价promotional purposes推广宣传目的 promoter n.创办人,发起人 promoter’s share发起人股 promotive adj.促进性 promotor n. 发起人,赞助人 |