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proofn. 1.testing,experiment,test,trial检验,试验,考验,试探。 △ Ado.4.1.45:“in your own proof,”由你自己考验。 △ Tw.3.4.202 (181):“proof itself”,实际考验本身。 △Tw.3.4.293 (264):“Nothing of that wonderfulpromise,to read him by his form,as you are like tofind him in the proof of his valour.”从他的外表来看,你看不出任何惊人之处,像你在和他决斗的勇气考验中可能会发现的。 △Ham.4.7.154:“If this did blast in proof.”(Animage from gunnery.) 如果这一计在试验中失败。 △ 1H.IV.2.2.75 (69): “Well,we leave that to theproof.”好,我们让事实来考验吧。 △1H.VI.1.2.94:“Only this proof I'll of thy valour make.”我只要这样试验一下你的勇气。 △H.VIII.1.1.196:“I do pronounce him inthat very shape / He shall appear in proof.”我现在所宣告的正是以后一定能查明的他的真正形象。 2. actual experience. experience亲历,经验。 △Tw.31.138(124): “for 'tis a vulgar proof / That very oftwe pity enemies ”这是常有的经验:我们对敌人也往往会发生怜悯。 △Mer.1.1.145(144): “this childhood proof.”这一段儿童时代的经验。 △Rom.1.1.174 (169): “Alasthat love,so gentle in his view. Should be so tyrannous and rough in proof(i.e. when actually experienced)!”唉,爱神外表这样温柔,行起事来却如此专横、粗暴! △Ham.3.2.181(169): “Now what my love is,proofhath made you know,”我的情爱怎样,经验已经使你明了。 △R.III.2.3.43:“as by proof we see / The waterswell before a boisterous storm.”正像凭着经验我们看见海水高涨就知道要有一场暴风雨。 3. tested strength (of armour or arms),invulnerability,impenetrability (盔甲或武器)考验过的强度,刀枪不入。 △Ham.3.4.38: “That it be proof and bulwark against sense.”以至于它变得像铜墙铁壁刀枪不入,能够抵御感情的渗透。 4. (abstract for concrete) armour that is proof against weapons,armour tested and found impenetrable,impenetrable armour刀枪不入的盔甲。 △R.III.5.3.219(218): “ten thousand soldiers / Armed in proof and led by shallow Richmond.”浅薄的里士满所率领的身披刀枪不入的盔甲的十万士兵。 △Rom.1.1.216 (210): “And instrong proof of chastity well armed,” i.e. in thestrong impenetrable armour of virginity she is wellarmed. 她有坚不可破的贞操像铠甲一样严密防身。 △Mac.1.2.55 (54):“lapped in proof.”穿戴上坚固的盔甲。 5. example榜样。 △Lr.2.3.13:“The country gives me proof and precedent / Of Bedlam beggars.”乡间给我提供了不少疯乞丐的榜样和先例。 6. written evidence证词。 △H.VIII. 2.1.16: “Urged on the examinations,proofs. confessions / Of divers witnesses.”根据各个证人的作证书、证词和口供,坚持控告。 7. ❶trial,test试验,考验。 ❷issue,result,fulfilment结果,效果,完成。 come to any proof: stand much testing,stand the test,have proved any good,turn out well经受住多少考验,经得起考验,证明有什么用处,最后有什么出息。 △2H.IV.4.3.96 (90): “There’s never none of these demure boys (i.e. boys who) come to any proof,”像这样一本正经的孩子们,没有一个会成什么气候的。 Phrases: just proof: proof of integrity证明为正直。 △Lr. 3. 6.122(113): “In thy just proof”,i.e. upon your being proved guiltless. 在证明你无辜之后。 of proof: ❶impenetrable,tested by experience and hence reliable,as a coat of mail(像铠甲一样)牢不可破的,久经考验的。 ❷well worn,badly worn穿得很旧的,穿得太破的。 △2H.VI.4.2.67 (60):“He need not fear thesword,for his coat is of proof.”他不必怕剑,因为他的铠甲(双关:外套)已经久经考验(双关:破得不能再破)了。 proof of arms: test of skill at arms比武。 △1H.IV.5.2. 53: “Unless a brother should a brother dare / Togentle exercise and proof of arms.”除非是弟弟向哥哥提出挑战,要进行一番平和的比武演习。 put in proof: put to the test,try in the experiment使受检验,使受试验。 △Lr.4.6.190(185):“I'll put't inproof,”我要把它试验一下。 to the proof: so armed as to be invulnerable有恃无恐。 △ Shr.2.1.141 (140): “to the proof,as mountainsare for winds,”有恃无恐,正像被风吹的山岳一样。 to no proof: to no purpose,fruitless徒劳无益,毫无结果。 △Shr.4.3.43:“all my pains is sorted to no proof.”我的辛苦都白费了。
proofa. armoured,armed,invulnerable披戴盔甲的,武装起来的,不会受伤害的。 △Rom.2.2.72: “Look thoubut sweet,/ And I am proof against their enmity.”i.e. and I am armed against their hatred. 你只要温柔地对我看上一眼,他们的敌意就不能伤害我。 proof eterne: eternal endurance,always impenetrable永远不透,永难刺穿。 △Ham.2.2.520 (490):“Mars's armour forged for proof eterne”,马尔斯那永难刺穿的铠甲。 proof[pru:f]n.证据,证明,凭据,佐证,校样,校对,试验,考验v.检验,表明是adj. 防…的 ‖ burden of proof举证责任 onus of proof举证责任 proof beyond reasonable doubt证实无可置疑 proof by case案例证明 proof by contradiction矛盾证明(法)/ proof by induction归纳证明 proof by interpretation解释证明 proof by recursion递归证明(法)/proof by reduction ad absurdum归谬法证明 proof by superposition叠合证法 proof coin样币 proof double重抛双靶 proof from assumptions假设求证(法) proof from hypotheses假说求证(法)proof from premises前提求证(法) proof gold标准金 proof in page版样 proof in sheets版样 proof of age年龄认证 proof of birth出生认证 proof of citizenship国籍证件 proof of death死亡证明 proof of debt债务证明 proof of deposits存款核实 proof of derived rule RAA导出规则 RAA的证明 proof of handwriting字迹认证 proof of indebtedness负债证据 proof of loss损失证明 proof of marriage婚姻认证 proof of ownership产权证书 proof of purchase购货证明 proof plate校样印版 proof positive铁证 proof reader校对 proof reader’s errors校对错误 proof reading校对 proof relative consistency相对一致性证明 proof sample样品 proof schema证明模式 proof scheme验证方案 proof sheet校样 proofer n. 检验者 proof fire n.射击试验 proofless adj. 无证据的 proofmark n.验讫印记 proofreader n. 校对员,校对者 proof-theoretic adj.证明论(式)的 proof-theoretic consequence证明论的结论 proof-theoretic consistency证明论一致性 proof-theoretic inconsistency证明论的不一致性 proof-theory n.证明论 |