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单词 大模大样

大模大样dà mó dà yàng

bold (ly); disdainful;give oneself many airs; high and mighty; in an ostentatious (/showy) manner; lack in politeness;pompously; stand very much on one’s dignity; with a swagger; with important airs
❍ 席间先坐着两个人,方巾白须,~,……(《儒林外史》222) There they found two white-bearded old men in square caps,who were standing very much on their dignity.
❍ 黑老蔡听了很生气,就带着高屯儿、牛大水,跟申耀宗到村公所。公所里,郭三麻子~的坐在椅子上,……(袁静《新儿女英雄传》14)Grimly,Cai called Dashui and Tun,and the three of them returned with the mayor to the office. They found Gao big as life seated in the mayor’s chair.
❍ 那个地痞指指门口,狗子~走进来。(《老舍剧作选·龙须沟》22) The latter points to the gate and Dog enters,swaggering.
❍ 怎么这等~?(《儒林外史》470) Why is he so highhanded?/禹便一径跨到席上,在上面坐下,大约是~,或者生了鹤膝风罢,并不屈膝而坐,却伸开了两脚,把大脚底对着大员们,…… (鲁迅《故事新编》41) Yu walked straight to the feast and took the place of honour. Either because he was lacking in politeness or because he had gout,he did not sit cross-legged but with legs outstretched,his big feet pointing at the officials.
❍ 二天你要见到我们那个大家伙,费心劝劝他,不要不理人家,~地。(周立波《山乡巨变》147) Next time you see our big lout of a boy,please advise him not to give himself so many airs and ignore the girl.
❍ 安禄山,我且问你: 这般~是几时起的? (洪昇《长生殿》43) Let me ask you,An Lushan,since when have you become so high and mighty?

大模大样dà mó dà yànɡ

比喻傲慢、满不在乎的样子。with a swagger, in an ostentatious manner, look big, high-and-mighty airs





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