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单词 大智若愚

大智若愚dà zhì ruò yú

a man of great wisdom is like a fool (/often seems slow-witted); a mastermind looks dull (/appears stupid); still waters run deep;the wisest man is often stupid looking
❍ 这是所谓“~,大巧若拙”的话啦。(郭沫若《屈原》 138) This is what is meant by “A man of great wisdom is like a fool;a man of great s kill is like an idiot.”/洪承畴很明白他的用意, 但故意表示诧异。 因为孙传庭好胜心强,他常用~的态度对他。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—228) Hong understood his intention perfectly well,but he deliberately feigned surprise. For in view of Sun’s arrogance he often made a show of obtuseness himself.


a truly wise person does not show off his(her)ability;man of great wisdom often appears slow-witted

大智若愚若(如)dà zhì ruò yú

有才能的人不炫耀自己,表面上好象很愚笨。a man of great wisdom of ten appears slow-witted, a master mind looks a fool, a great intelligent man looks dull





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