释义 |
四面八方sì miàn bā fāngall round; all directions;all sides; all quarters; everywhere; far and near;the four winds ❍ 你们想突围吗? ~都是解放军,怎么突得出去呢?(《毛泽东选集》1260)Are you hoping to break through? How can you break through when the People’s Liberation Army is all around?/人们从~涌出来,不分你家我家,蜂拥到田里抢割着。(吴强《红日》344) They surged out into the fields from all directions like a swarm of bees and began cutting as fast as they could with no regard for family distinctions. ❍ 三堆大火被炸灭了,匪徒们的身体血肉,随着弹片和木片炭火,一齐飞裂到~。(曲波《林海雪原》374) The three bonfires were blown away. Metal splinters,charred wood,and the dismembered flesh of the bandits flew is alldirections. ❍ 军用电话线向林子的~拉去。(杨佩瑾《剑》49) Telephone lines for military use ran to all sides. ❍ 这上边有鬼子,不多,这上面有客人,都是~的。(知侠《敌后武工队》160) The Japanese did travel on passenger trains,but not often. The passengers came from different parts of the country. ❍ 公共汽车,电车和各色各样的车辆从~开来,又向~开去。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—26) Buses,trams and vehicles of all kinds and colours sped swiftly along in every direction. 四面八方in all directions;every direction 四面八方all directions; all quarters; all around;far and wide;everywhere 四面八方sì miàn bā fānɡ指各个方面或各个地方。all directions, from all quarters, all around far and wide, on all hands, far and away, round about, every which way, right and left |