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单词 说时迟,那时快

说时迟,那时快shuō shí chí , nà shí kuài

all this happened in less time than it would take to narrate;at a snap of the fingers; before one can say knife;before one knows where he is; in a snap; occur much quicker than it takes to describe (/say) it
❍ ~,武松却用手略按一按,托地已跃在桌子上,把些盏儿,碟儿,都踢下来。(《水浒全传》330)It is slow to tell of it but it happened swiftly. Wu Song pressed his hand on the table for an instant and then he leaped upon it and he kicked off the plates and bowls.
❍ 左手如托太山,右手如抱婴孩,弓开如满月,箭去似流星,~,一箭正中周谨左肩。(《水浒全传》14) So pulling his bowstring to its full extent until the bow was like a full moon in shape,he shot the arrow which flew with the speed of a falling star,and struck Zhou Jin’s shoulder. This occurred much quicker than it takes us to describe it.
❍ ~,那人只要诱得李逵上船,便把竹篙望岸边一点,双脚一蹬,那只渔船,一似狂风飘败叶,箭也似投江心里去了。(《水浒全传》473) To tell of it is slow but the doing was swift. That man had trapped Li Kui into coming on the boat and now he pushed the boat away with his pole and he thrust away with his feet at the same moment and the fishing boat darted into the middle of the river like an arrow.
❍ 这曾涂却好掣出枪来,那两枝戟兀自搅做一团。说时迟,那时疾,曾涂掣枪,便望吕方项根搠来。(《水浒全传》847) At that very moment Zeng Tu had extricated his lance,while the halberds were still entangled and,quicker than it takes to say,was thrusting at Lü Fang’s neck.

说时迟,那时快shuo shi chi,na shi kuai

before one can say Jack Robinson


in the twinkling of an eye;in an instant;before you can say Jack Robinson





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