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单词 哄堂大笑

哄堂大笑hōng táng dà xiào

all burst into an uproarious laughter; an uproar of laughter in the audience; set the whole room in a roar of laughter;the audience roar in laughter; the whole party explode in fits of mirth;the whole room rocking with laughing
❍ 话说刘老老两只手比着说道:“花儿落了结个大倭瓜。”众人听了,~起来。(《红楼梦》500) Granny Liu’s gestures and response,“A huge bumpkin forms when the flowers fall,” caused a fresh gale of mirth.
❍ 饮酒中间,大家都往盘子里抓瓜子嗑,他也往盘子里抓,可抓的不是瓜子,抓了一手的糖黄皮蛋,闹了个~。(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》294) He copied the example of others in picking water-melon seeds from a dish,while the drinking was going on,and got his hand all smeared by extending it into the wrong dish,which contained wet preserved eggs. This caused a roar of laughter.
❍ 她维妙维肖地学着蒋介石的声调、神色,和她那美丽轻盈的姿态一对比,逗得满屋子人又是一阵~。(杨沫《青春之歌》101) Liping’s vivid take-off of Jiang Kaishek formed such a striking contrast to her own grace and charm that her guests started laughing uproariously./“你们案情最重?真是天晓得!”这声音从对面一出现,满屋的人都忍不住~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》421) “Your cases extremely serious? Merciful heavens!” exclaimed a prisoner. The whole cell rocked with laughter.
❍ 众人听了,~起来。(《红楼梦》502) The whole party had exploded in fits of mirth.
❍ 这引起了~,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》395)The whole room burst out laughing. …


roaring with laughter

哄堂大笑hōnɡ tánɡ dà xiào

形容满屋子的人同时大笑起来。the whole room rocking with laughter, everybody exploding into laughter, All broke into a loud laugh.





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