释义 |
hostn. 1 1. great company,large number大群,许多。 △Ham.1.5. 92: “O all you host of heaven!”i.e. you army ofangels. 啊,一切天上的神明哟! 2. army军队。 △Mac.5.4.5(4): “Let every soldierhew him down a bough,/ And bear’t before him,thereby shall we shadow / The numbers of our host,”让每个兵士都砍下一根树枝,把它举在他自己面前,这样我们好遮掩我们军队的人数。 △H.V.3.5. 50:“Rush on his host,”冲向他的军队。 △H.V.4.Cho.32:“For forth he goes,and visits all his host,/ Bids them good morrow with a modest smile,”因为他在外巡视,访遍全军,带着平易近人的笑容向士兵们问早安。 △3H.VI.2.1.207:“The Queen iscoming with a puissant host;”王后带着一支强大的军队开过来了。 Phrases: Ievied host: army mustered集合起来的军队。 △1H.VI.4.4.30: “And York as fast upon your Graceexclaims / Swearing that you withhold his leviedhost / Collected for this expedition.”约克也同样迫不及待地大声指责你大人呢,发誓说你扣留了他专为这次征战而征集起来的军队。 Lord of hosts: i.e. God万军之主,(指)上帝。 △1H.VI.1.1.31:“The battles of the Lord of hosts he fought;”他是为万军之主而战。
hostn. 2 1.shelterer,entertainer庇护者,东道主。 △Lr.5.2.1:“Here,father,take the shadow of this tree / For yourgood host;”来,老人家,就让这树阴做你的好东道主吧。 2. innkeeper旅店(酒店)老板。 △1H.IV.2.4.525 (471):“If to be old and merry be a sin,then many an oldhost that I know is damned.”如果人老了寻欢作乐就是罪恶,那么我认识的许多老掌柜都得下地狱。 3. lodge旅店。 △Com.5.1.413(411): “lay at host”,放在旅店里。
hostvi. lodge居住。 △Com.1.2.9:“where we host,”我们在那里居住。 host[həust]n.主人,东道主,节目主持人v.做主持人,主办 (持) ◇ act as host to sb.做东/a host of=hosts of许多 play the host作东道主,做东 play host of to招待…/ reckon without one’s host自作主张,错误估计 ‖ host activity东道机构 host agreement东道国协定 host computer主机 host country东道国 host defense宿主的防御能力 host library主机库 host organization接待单位 host or hostess主持人 host organization主管单位 host the 2008 Olympic Games主办2008年奥运会 host unit主办单位 hosting team接待团,陪同团 hostess[ˈhəustis]n.女主人,女嘉宾,女服务员,女招待,女伴舞者 hostess unit妇女服务队 hostage n. hostageship n. hosting n.部队集合,作战 |