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❶ (生物体把体内的气体排出体外) breathe out;exhale: ~ 出二氧化碳 exhale carbon dioxide;~ 出一口气 exhale a breath
❷ (大声喊) shout;cry out: 大声疾 ~ shout [cry] at the top of one's voice;cry in the highest pitch of the voice (so as to draw the attention of others);
伪军高 ~ 饶命。 The puppet soldier cried for mercy.
❸ (叫;叫人来) call: 一 ~ 百应 hundreds respond to a single call;
直 ~ 其名 address sb. disrespectfully (by name) Ⅱ (多形容风声): 北风 ~ ~ 地吹。 A north wind is whistling. Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 善 Hu Shan
◆呼哧[蚩] sound of puffing and blowing;
呼叱 (呵斥) shout at;
呼出 exhalation;expiration;call out;
呼爹叫娘 cry “mamma” in distress;
呼风唤雨 summon wind and call for rain;bid wind and rain to come;call for wind or rain;call the wind and command the rain;call up the wind and invoke the rain;call winds and cry out for rains;command the wind and rain;cry for the wind and rain;stir up trouble;summon the winds and command the rain;
呼庚呼癸 request for financial help;
呼喊 call out;shout;
呼号 wail;cry out in distress;
呼号 call sign;call letters [number];catchword (of an organization);
呼喝 bawl at;
呼呼大睡 snore loudly in one's sleep;
呼呼(作声地)飞旋 awhirl;
呼呼入睡 sink into a deep sleep;
呼呼声 birr;flurr;
呼唤 call;shout to;
呼叫 call out;shout;{讯} call;ring;
呼酒荐馔 call for wine and food;
呼救 call for help;
呼救无门 nowhere to turn for help;
呼救信号 distress signal;emergency pulses;signal for help;SOS;
呼口号 shout slogans;give password;
呼拉舞 hula;
呼拉圈 hula hoop;
呼卢喝雉 shout for the top number to come up (at dice);gamble;
呼噜 [口] snore;
呼门 call for opening the door;
呼牛呼马 let people call me what they will — disregard hostile opinion;
呼朋引类 gather a clique (about someone);gang up;gang up with people of the same stripe as oneself;summon friends and lead fellows;summon one's friends and pals;
呼气 expiration;breath;exsufflation;
呼入(电话) incoming call;
呼[唿]扇 [口] shake;fan;
呼 [唿]哨 whistle;
呼声 cry;voice;
呼声甚高 great popular demand;be favoured to win;wide speculations;
呼声震天 rend the air;
呼天唤地 call to heaven and earth;cry to heaven;
呼天抢地 lament to heaven and knock one's head on earth;cry bitterly and loudly in excessive grief;utter cries of anguish;
呼吸 breathe;respire; breath;breathing;pneusis;anapnea;anapnoea;aspiration;respiration;
呼吸量计 pneumatometer;
呼吸困难 expiratory dyspnea;dyspnea;difficult breathing;breath with difficulty;lose one's breath;
呼吸相通 share the feelings and sentiments;share the same life-spring;be of a [one] heart;intimately bound up with;closely related;with one mind;
呼啸 whistle;howl;roar;scream;whizz;roaring;
呼啸而过 roared past;
呼兄唤弟 call each other brothers;
呼延 a surname;
呼吆喝六 the noisy shouting in a dice game;play at dice;shout for the top number to come up;[方] shout at people right and left;
呼应 act in cooperation [coordination] with each other;echo;work in concert with;
呼吁 appeal;call on;
呼吁无灵 cry for aid in vain;
呼冤 call for justice;cry one has been wronged;
呼猿 hoolock;
呼云唤雨 command the clouds and rains — control the forces of nature;
呼之即来 come at someone's call;come at the sound of a whistle;
呼之欲出 seem ready to come out at one's call (said of lifelike figures in pictures or characters in novels);almost certain;be vividly portrayed;obvious





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