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单词 别开生面

别开生面bié kāi shēng miàn

make a quite new approach; beat a new track; break fresh ground (/a new path); do (/start) sth new (/original/novel/innovational); leave the beaten track; open up (/present) a fresh outlook (/style/new ideas);strike a fresh note
❍ 今日林妹妹这首诗,亦可谓命意新奇,~了。(《红楼梦》853) And these five Cousin Lin has written today can also be considered as fresh and original,a quite new approach to the subject
❍ 到后来清之陈球所做的《燕山外史》,是骈体的,而作者自以为用骈体做小说是由他~的,殊不知实已开端于张鷟了。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》281) The Qing Dynasty scholar,Chen Qiu,who wrote A Tale of Yanshan in the euphuistic style,thought he was doing something new; but actually the innovator was Zhang Zhuo.
❍ 位置点染,~,全非金陵旧派。(孔尚任《桃花扇·题画》109)Both the colour and the composition are extremely original,quite different from the traditional school of Nanjing.
❍ 当时底小说,有《红楼梦》等专讲柔情,《西游记》一派,又专讲妖怪,人们大概也很觉得厌气了,而《三侠五义》则~,很是新奇,所以流行也就特别快,特别盛。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》308) I suppose readers were tired of novel like Hong Lou Meng which concen trated on love,or the Pilgrimage to the West which dealt entirely with supernatural beings. This novel about swordsmen and adventures struck a fresh note,and therefore had immediate popularity.


with freshness and novelty


in a novel way;break new ground;with freshness and novelty; develop a new style

别开生面bié kāi shēnɡ miān

另外开辟一种新的局面。break a new path, beat a new track, break fresh ground, leave the beaten track, strike a fresh note, open up a fresh outlook





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