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单词 别有用心

别有用心bié yǒu yòng xīn

have (/harbour)ulterior motives; have an ulterior purpose (/object)(in view): have ill-intentioned thoughts; have an axe to grind; have sth up one’s sleeve; for some ulterior reason; out of malicious intent (/motives);with evil (/malicious/ulterior) intent (/motives/purposes); insidiously;tendentiously
❍ 只有政治上糊涂的人,或者~的人,才会瞎说我们做得不对,瞎说我们抛弃了国际主义。(《毛泽东选集》487) Only those who are politically muddle-headed or have ulterior motives talk nonsense about our having made a mistake and abandoned internationalism.
❍ 因为这种工作,做的人自以为不偏而实是偏的也可以,自以为公平而其实不公平也可以,但总不可 “~” 于其间的。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅱ—124)For a man doing such work may think himself unbiased when actually he is biased,or think himself fair when actually he is unfair. No one with ulterior motives should be a critic.


have an ulterior motives;have an axe to grind
该国过分热情推动草案的通过,是~的。That country was over-zealous in trying to push through the resolution. It did so to pursue its hidden agenda./他只是出于好心,倒不是~。He's only doing it out of kindness,he’s got no particular axe to grind.

别有用心bié yǒu yònɡ xīn

另有打算。have ulterior motives, insidiously, tendentiously, with malicious intent, have an axe to grind





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