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单词 同心同德

同心同德同心合意tóng xīn tóng dé

be dedicated to the same cause;be heart and soul together; be of one heart and one mind; one in heart and one in practice; unite for the same cause; with one idea and one will (/purpose); work whole heartedly (/heart and soul) with
❍ 全国各族人民,~,坚持斗争,实行三大社会主义改造; ……(《东方红》朗诵词35) …all the nationalities of the country,of one heart and mind,persist in struggle and carry out the three great socialist transformations.
❍ 凡我川人,自应~,贡献桑梓,以建设新西南为己任。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》319) All citizens of Sichuan should stand together,give of their best,and consider the building of a new Southwest as their personal duty,……/受有亿兆夷人,离心离德; 予有乱臣十人,~。(《尚书·泰誓中》) Shou has hundreds of thousands and millions of ordinary men,divided in heart and divided in practice; —I have of ministers capable of government ten men,one in heart and one in practice.

同心同德tong xin tong de

be of one heart and one mind


be of (or work with) one heart and one mind;be dedicated heart and soul to the same cause;work in concert
~,团结一致unite and work as one

同心同德tónɡ xīn tónɡ dé

指同一个心愿、同一种行动。be of one heart and one mind, with one idea and one will, be dedicated to the same cause





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