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单词 昂首阔步

昂首阔步昂头阔步áng shǒu kuò bù

advance in big strides with (one’s) head high; hold one’s head high and advance valiantly;march (/stride) forward chin up(/head up/with head erect);prance(about);step along in high spirits; stride proudly ahead;strut(about); swagger (about)
❍ 他昂头阔步、胸脯凸挺地走进了潮气扑面、灯光昏暗的审讯室。(冯志《敌后武工队》375) He held his head proudly high as he entered the dark,dimly lit torture chamber.
❍ 他们昂头阔步,带着一种藐视中国人、不屑与中国人为伍的神气,总是引起我心里的愤愤不平。 (方志敏《可爱的中国》 8) It in-variably incenses me to see the way they swagger around,so obviously looking down on all Chinese.

昂首阔步ánɡ shǒu kuò bù

昂着头大步前进。stride proudly ahead, stride forward with one’s chin up, swagger about, prance, keep one’s head high and march ahead

昂首阔步ánɡ shǒu kuò bù

昂着头大步前进。stride proudly ahead, stride forward with one’s chin up





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更新时间:2025/3/14 20:54:09