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单词 昂首挺胸

昂首挺胸áng shǒu tǐng xiōng

chin up and chest out; hold one’s head high and fling one’s chest out;raise one’s head high and expand his chest
❍ 他~,阔步向前。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》241)Head and chest high,he strode on.
❍ 焕之这样解释,心里只在想许许多多的人经了先觉者的开导,一个个~觉悟起来的可喜情形。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》275) As Huanzhi gave this explanation,the one thought in his mind was the joyful picture of a vast number of people,every head held high and every chest flung out as they came to a realization of their condition through the guidance of a prophet.
❍ 小董……就故意~,次次都把小海比得灰溜溜的。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》64)He would deliberately raise his head high and expand his chest,so that Hai was crushingly over-shadowed.

昂首挺胸ánɡ shǒu tǐnɡ xiōnɡ

仰起头挺起胸。形容非常自信。chin up and chest out, hold up one’s head and throw out one’s chest, fling back one’s head





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