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❶ (和原来不同) become different;change: 改 ~ change;
多 ~ 战术 varied tactics;~ 了样儿 be quite different;change shape [one's attitude];情况 ~ 了。 The situation has changed. 这地方 ~ 得认不出来了。 The place has changed beyond recognition.
❷ (变成) become;change into: 后进队 ~ 先进队。 Less advanced production teams have become advanced ones. 她已~ 为优秀学生。 She has become an excellent student. 旱地 ~ 水田。 Dry land has been turned into paddy fields. 秋天树叶由绿色 ~ 为褐色。 In autumn the leaves change from green to brown.
❸ (使改变) alter;change;transfer;transform: ~ 荒地为良田 transfer wasteland into fertile fields;~ 农业国为工业国 turn an agricultural country into an industrial power Ⅱ ❶ (有重大影响的突然变化) an unexpected turn of events: 政 ~ coup d'état;
兵 ~ mutiny;revolt;
灾 ~ natural disaster;strange natural phenomenon;
事 ~ incident
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 康 Bian Kang Ⅲ (能变化的;已变化的) changeable;changed: ~ 数 variable
◆变暗 deepening;darken;
变本加厉 become aggravated;be further intensified;getting more and more objectionable;go even further;go from bad to worse;(to act) in an intensified manner;intensify one's efforts;outdo the previous ones;push it to an extreme;redouble one's efforts to;with everincreasing intensity;
变薄 attenuation;pinch;pinchout;pinching-out;
变彩 chatoyance;
变参数系统 variation parameter system;
变参信道 variable-parameter channel;
变差 {数} variation;
变成 grow;become;make;develop into;prove to be;turn out;come off;come to be;pass into;mount up;convert to;transform into;turn into;change into;
变稠 retrogradation;bodying;body up;
变电所 substation;electric power substation;power substation;
变电站 converting station;transformer substation;
变调 {语} modified tone;tonal modification;
变动 change;alteration;oscillation;modification;variation;
变法 {史} political reform;
变“废”为宝 turn “waste” into wealth;change waste material into things of value;recycle waste material;
变分 {数} variation;
变革 transform;reform;alter;change;
变格 {语} declension;
变更 change;alter;modify;alteration;modification;
变工 exchange work;exchange labour;
变构 allosteric;
变故 unforeseen event;accident;mishap;misfortune;
变卦 go back on one's word;change one's mind;change one's tune;break an agreement;
变光灯泡 high-low lamp;
变光星云 variable nebula;
变害为利 turn bane into boon;turn the harm into a benefit;Harm is turned into benefit.;
变花样 conjuring feats;change tactics;
变化 change;variety;transformation;variation;varying;alleosis;variance;alteration;modification;
变化多端 be the most changeful;
变化万端 always changing;changeable;changeful;
变化无常 constantly changing;changeable;
变化无穷 with countless changes;with endless variations;
变换 vary;alternate;commutation;alternation;conversion;reforming;{数} transformation;
变幻 change irregularly;fluctuate;metamorphose;
变幻莫测 change unpredictably;so full of rapid changes as to be unpredictable;treacherous;unending changes;changeable;capricious;
变幻无常 changing all the time;changeful;change all the time;constantly and irregularly changing;constantly changing;flux and reflux;hop from one thing to another;illusory and inconstant; 变价 appraise at the current rate; 变焦距 {摄} varifocal;
变角器 angulator;
变节 make a political recantation;change of loyalty;betrayal;turn one's coat;turnabout;fall away;
变晶 crystalloblast;metacryst;blast;compound crystal;
变距 displacement;shifting;
变口 {曲艺} dialectal switching;
变力 variable force;
变脸 suddenly turn hostile;
变量[数] {数} variable;variable quantity;alternating quantity; 变流 {物} unsteady flow;variable flow;
变流器 {电} current transformer;inverter;converter;mutator;
变率 variability;
变卖 sell off (one's property);
变名易姓 change one's name;
变扭器 {机} torque converter;
变频 {电子} frequency conversion;
变频器 frequency transformer;frequency changer;inverter;frequency converter;transverter;converter;
变迁 transition;changes;vicissitudes;change in trends or conditions;
变色 change colour;discolour;change countenance;become angry;{生理} allochromasia;allochroism;discolouring;metachromatism;alteration;floating;
变生肘腋 Changes arise from the elbow and armpit — confusion starts from one's side or friends.;occur under one's very nose;The incident happens close by.;
变石 alexandrite;
变时现象 chronotropism;
变式 variant;version;
变水植物 poikilohydric plants;
变送器 transmitter;
变速 change speed;shifting;variable speed;varying velocity;speed change;
变态 {生} metamorphosis;modification;transfiguration;abnormal;psychopathy;anomalous;
变体 variant;version;{晶;化} modification;
变天 change of weather;restoration of reactionary rule;
变秃 deglabration;
变危为安 change from danger into safety;
变味 revert;
变位 {数} deflection;deflexion;{语} conjugate;{地} shift;
变温动物 poikilotherm;allotherm;heterothermic animal;poikilothermal animal;
变温悬浮法 temperature float technique;
变文 a popular form of narrative literature flourishing in the Tang Dynasty (618—907),with alternate prose and rhymed parts for recitation and singing (often on Buddhistic themes);
变戏法 perform conjuring tricks;conjure;juggle;
变相 in disguised form;covert;
变相体罚 corporal punishment in disguised form;corporal punishment in any shape or form;
变相涨价 raise prices by deceptive means;
变形 (形状、格式起变化) be out of shape;become deformed;transshape;transfiguration;transformation;variant;transmogrification;modification;{物} (形变)deformation;distortion;(应变)strain;{生} (动植物的形态渐进) anamorphosis;(变异) metamorphosis;(畸形) dysmorphosis;(组织替换) transubstantiation;(器官变形) metallaxis (物种演变) transmutation;
变形虫 amoeba;
变形性 morphotropism;morphotropy;deformability;
变性 {生;医} denaturation;denaturalization;degenerescence;metatropy;degeneration;
变旋光 multirotation;tautorotation;mutarotation;
变压 {电} varying voltage;variation of voltage;{气} variation of pressure;change pressure;allobar;
变压器 transformer;voltage transformer;voltage changer;
变样(本) {统} variant;
变叶病 phyllody;
变异 {生} heteromorphosis;variation;metamorphosis;dissociation;
变硬 harden;brinelling;
变应力 varying stress;
变应疹 allergid;
变余结构 palimpsest;
变阈解码 variable-threshold decoding;
变阈力 bathmism; 变元 {数} variable;
变载 variable load;
变址 {计} indexed address;index;indexing;address modification;modifying;
变质 go bad;deteriorate;{地} (变质作用) metamorphism;{冶} (加入微量元素以改善其组织和性能) modification;{生} (退化、变质) degenerescence;degeneration;
变种 {生} (物种以下的分类单位) varietas;variety;variant;variation;mutation;(实质相同的思潮或流派) variety;
变皱 ruckle;
变奏 {音} variation;
变阻器 {电} varistor;voltage-dependent resistor;rheostat;variohm;
变阻整流器 varistor rectifier


❷transmutation; change





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