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单词 各得其所

各得其所gè dé qí suǒ

all find their proper places;each gets his due; each is properly provided for;each has a role to play; everyone is properly placed; each takes his choice; to the satisfaction of all
❍ 适齐闻韶,三月不知肉味,自卫返鲁,然后乐正,雅颂~。(《史记·儒林列传》3115) When he went to Qi and heard the ancient Shao music,he did not recognize the taste of meat for three months,and after he returned to Lu from Wei,the music was reformed and the various sections of the Book of Odes were all put in their proper places.
❍ 此两者各得其所欲,大者宜为下。(《老子》六十一章) Since both big and small states get what they want,the big state should place itself low.
❍ 第二点,统筹兼顾,~。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—339) Second,there must be over-all planning and all-round con sideration,so that everyone is provided for.
❍ 蔡泽复曰:“富贵显荣,成理万物,使~;性命寿长,终其天年而不夭伤; 天下继其统,守其也,传之无穷; ……”(《史记·范雎蔡泽列传》2420) Cai Ze went on,“When a man has rank,riches,fame and honour,when he makes all things follow the proper course and lives out his full span of life,the world can carry forward and maintain his tradition. …”/中国人或信中医或信西医,现在较大的城市中往往并有两种医,使他们~。我以为这确是极好的事。(鲁迅《坟·论“费厄泼赖”应该缓行》229)Some Chinese believe in traditional Chinese medicine,others in Western medicine,and both types of doctors can now be found in our larger towns,so that patients may take their choice. I thoroughly approve of this.
❍ 于是我那一班人马——南书房行走和内务府大臣以及几十名随侍、太监、宫女、妇差、厨役等等又~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》188) There was room for everyone,from companions of the Southern Study and senior officials of the Household Department to dozens of attendants,enuchs,ladies-in-waiting,maids and scullions.

各得其所ɡè dé qí suǒ

所:处所、位置。每个人或每件事物都能找到相应的位置。each has a role to play, each in his element, play their proper role





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