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单词 受宠若惊

受宠若惊shòu chǒng ruò jīng

be astonished upon being in favour; be immensely flattered by sb’s attention; be overwhelmed by an unexpected favour(/flattery/honour); be startled by a gracious offer;feel extremely (/overwhelmingly)flattered/“你的大大的好!”鬼子冈村特务队长拍着保长的肩头称赞着。保长黄脸皮上露出~的神情。(知侠《铁道游击队》293)“You are very,very good,”said Okamura,captain of the secret service section,patting the village head on the back. The shameless fellow was immensely flattered by this attention.
❍ 记得我在这次晕头转向、~的航程中,写上了一首谄媚的四言诗: …… (爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》342) I remember that I wrote a toadying poem while I was suffering from sea sickness and over whelmed with the honours that had been paid me on that voyage.
❍ 她还没讲下去,就叫徐义德拦腰打断了,~地说: “我知道,他又来看我了……” (周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—236) She could say no more for Xu Yide cut her short and said with gratification; “I know,he’s been here to see me again.…/“那里,那里; 不,不。”~的雇工们照例这样回答,…… (叶圣陶《倪焕之》141)“No,we’re all right.” This is what the labourers,startled by this gracious offer,replied every time.


be overwhelmed by an unexpected favor; receive a favor with joy and surprise;feel extremely flattered

受宠若惊shòu chǒnɡ ruò jīnɡ

宠:宠爱;惊:震动。意外受到过分的宠爱而感到高兴和不安。feel extremely flattered, astonished upon being in favour, feel overwhelmingly flattered





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