shallowa. 1. not deep,superficial,trifling浅的,表面的,微不足道的。 △1H.IV.5.4.11: “And God forbid a shallowscratch should drive / The prince of Wales from sucha field as this,”上帝不许一点表皮的擦伤就使得威尔士亲王离开战场。 2. superficial浅薄的。 △H.V.1.2.294: “and tell theDauphin / His jest will savour but of shallow wit.” 并且告诉太子,他的这个玩笑只有一点浅薄的俏皮味道。 3. foolish,stupid,silly愚蠢的,傻的。 △Mid.3.2.13:“The shallowest thick-skin of that barren sort.”在这群蠢货里一个最蠢的蠢材。 shallow[ˈʃæləu]adj.浅的,浅薄的 ‖ shallow ascent小角度下降 shallow defence近线防守 shallow dive入水浅的跳水法,小角度俯冲 shallow glide小角度下滑 shallow grip浅握 shallow hook浅钩 shallow mind浅薄的思想 shallow pool浅水池 shallow water浅水 shallowly adv. shallowness n. |