释义 |
发(發)fāⅠ ❶ (送出;交付) send out;give out;distribute;deliver;issue:分[颁] ~ give out;distribute;~ 电报 send a telegram;~ 货 deliver goods;~ 传单 distribute leaflets;~ 工资 pay out wages;~ 信号 give a signal;~ 通告 send out public notice;~ 奖金 give premium ❷ (发射) launch;discharge;shoot;emit:~ 炮 discharge a shot from a gun; 百 ~ 百中 shoot with unfailing accuracy;~ 光 ~ 热 emit light and heat ❸ (产生;发生) produce;generate;come [bring] into existence:~ 电 generate electricity;~ 芽 sprout;~ 苞 put forth buds; 旧病复 ~ have an attack of a recurrent sickness;have a recurrence of an old illness ❹ (表达) express;utter:~ 命令 give out orders; 有三个同志在会上 ~ 了言。 Three comrades spoke at the meeting. ❺ (扩大;开展) expand;develop:~ 扬 develop;carry on;~ 育 grow;develop ❻ (因得财物而兴旺) flourish:~ 家 build up a family fortune; 暴 ~ suddenly become rich or important ❼ (食物因发酵或水浸而膨胀) (of foodstuffs) rise or expand when fermented or soaked:~ 面 leaven dough;~ 豆芽 raise bean sprouts;sprout beans; 面 ~ 起来了。 The dough has risen. ❽ (放散;散开) spread out;disperse;diffuse:挥 ~ volatilize; 蒸 ~ evaporate;~ 散 diverge ❾ (揭露;打开) expose;open up;discover:揭 ~ expose; 开 ~ open up;~ 现 discover;find out;~ 掘 excavate;unearth;explore;seek ❿ (因变化而显现、散发) become;turn;get into a certain state:~ 黄 turn yellow;~ 霉 become mildewed; 脸色 ~ 白 lose colour;become pale; 肉 ~ 臭了。 The meat smells a bit off.;The meat smells bad. ⓫ (流露感情) show one's feeling:~ 笑 laugh;~ 脾气 get [become] angry;~ 抖 shiver ⓬ (感到) feel;have a feeling:~ 懒 feel lazy;~ 热 have a fever; 有点 ~ 冷 feel a bit chilly; 嘴里 ~ 苦 have a bitter taste in the mouth;~ 麻 tingle;~ 痒 itch ⓭ (起程) start;set out:出 ~ start off;set out; 朝 ~ 夕至 set off in the morning and arrive in the evening; 车船齐 ~。 All the boats and carts started off at the same time. ⓮ (开始行动;引起行动) begin an undertaking;cause to do:奋 ~ rouse [exert] oneself Ⅱ (颗,用于枪弹、炮弹):一 ~ 子弹 a bullet; 上百 ~ 炮弹 about one hundred shells Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname:~ 根 Fa Gen 另见 see also fà。 ◆发表权 publication right; 发达国家 developed countries; 发单 bill;receipt; 发电 electric power generation;generate electricity;generation;yield electricity;furnish power;send a telegram; 发电厂 power plant;power station;generating plant; 发电机 {电} [俗] gen;alternator;dynamo;electric generator;generator; 发电站 power station;generating plant;generating station;electric works;powerhouse; 发动 start;launch;engine on;get started;kick over;call into action;mobilize;stimulate;arouse; 发动机 {机} engine;motor; 发动机舱冷却系统 engine bay cooling system; 发动机组 cluster engine;engine block;engine unit;set of engines; 发抖 shiver;shake;quiver;tremble; 发端 make a start;initiative;inception; 发而皆中节 Emotions are expressed justly.; 发凡 [书] introduction (to a subject or a book); 发凡起例 recount the general idea,the stylistic rules and the layout of a book; 发放 provide;grant;extend;give out;issue; 发沸石 ptilolite; 发(酵)粉 baking-powder;ferment; 发奋 work energetically [hard];exert oneself;rouse oneself;bestir oneself;make a firm resolution;make a determined effort;strive resolutely; 发奋[愤]图强 rise in great vigor;with firm resolve to succeed;work with a will to make the country strong;work with determination to make the country strong;work with stamina for the prosperity of the country; 发奋图强、自力更生、艰苦奋斗、勤俭建国 work hard to build the country with industry and thrift and by self-reliant efforts; 发奋学习 stimulate oneself to study;put all one's energies into one's studies; 发愤求学 be very eager in one's studies; 发愤忘食 study [work] hard,neglecting one's meals;be so immersed in work as to forget one's meals;be roused to such diligence as to forget one's meals;One studied with such eagerness that he forgot his meals.;work so hard as to forget to eat [neglect one's meals];发疯 go mad;go [become;be] crazy;become [go] insane;be out of one's mind;drive sb. crazy;be off one's head;be beside oneself;lose one's mind; 发福 grow stout;put on weight; 发付 send;dispatch;dismiss;send away; 发绀 {医} cyanochroia;cyanose;cyanoderma;hemato ̄ cyanosis;cyanosis; 发糕 steamed sponge cake (usu. sweetened); 发稿 distribute news dispatches;send manuscripts to the press; 发给 issue;distribute;grant; 发光 give out light;shine;be luminous;brighten;fulgurate;flash;glow;sparkle;glisten;gleam;shimmer;radiate;lightening;radiation;shining;glowing;inflammation; 发光度 {光} luminosity;luminance;radiance;luminous emittance; 发光量密度 luminous emittance; 发光原标准 primary luminous standard; 发汗 induce perspiration (as by drugs);sweating;diaphoresis;sweat; 发行 sell wholesale; 发号器 impulse sender; 发号施令 issue orders;issue orders left and right;dictate one's own terms to...;give orders [commands];order people about;lay down the law;call the tune [shots];发黑 turn black;grow black;become black;blacken;darken;nigrify;blackout; 发狠 make a determined effort;be angry;turn angry [wrathful];get rude [rough];be enraged; 发横财 make a fortune in a devious way;strike it rich;get [have] a windfall;get rich by foul means;strike oil;ill-gotton gains; 发红 rubedo; 发花 grow dim [hazy;misty];see things in a blur;be dazzled; 发话 give an oral instruction [order];speak angrily; 发话号码 calling number; 发话机 transmitter; 发话器 mouthpiece (of a telephone,etc.); 发话专用中继线 outgoing trunk; 发还 return sth. (usu. to one's subordinate);give [send] back; 发还退税 issue a drawback; 发慌 feel nervous;get flustered;panic-stricken;be perturbed;get flurried;become confused; 发黄 {纺} yellowing;{中医} jaundice; 发挥 bring into play;give play to;give scope to;give free rein to;develop (an idea,a theme,etc.);elaborate;express;air;amplify;expound; 发挥优势 give play to strong points; 发挥余热 devote one's remaining years to the service of the people; 发挥专长 give full play to sb.'s professional knowledge [skill];发昏 feel giddy [dizzy];faint;lose one's head;become confused;go crazy;be beside oneself; 发火 catch fire;ignite;detonate;go off;get angry;be enraged;flare up;lose one's temper;[方] (of a stove) draw well; 发火花 spark jump;sparking; 发货 send out goods;deliver goods;delivery;{经} consignment; 发货人 shipper; 发货地价格 free on board in harbour; 发货前清点 presorting; 发迹 (of a poor man) gain fame and fortune;rise to power and position;make a career;make one's way; 发急 become impatient; 发家 build up a family fortune; 发家致富 enrich one's family;enrich oneself;build up the family fortunes;make one's family's fortune;feather one's (own) nest; 发假警报 cry wolf; 发价[盘] make an offer; 发价人 offerer; 发奸擿伏 expose sb.'s evildoing without any reserve;make known the traitors and seize rascals;uncover hidden iniquities; 发奖 award [give;hand out] prizes; 发奖仪式 prize- awarding ceremony; 发酵 ferment;fermentation;aerobic fermentation;zymolysis;zymosis;leaven;yeast;zymo-;发酵力测定器 zymoscope; 发窘 feel [become] embarrassed;be ill at ease; 发酒疯 be roaring drunk;be in a drunken fit;be in drunken brawls; 发掘 excavate;unearth;explore;disinterment; 发觉 come to know;be aware (of);realize;find;detect;realize;discover; 发刊 issue;publish;start the publication of a periodical; 发棵 [方] {植} tiller; 发狂 go mad;go crazy;flip out;delirium;{中医} manica; 发困 [口] feel sleepy;feel drowsy; 发蓝 {冶} blueing;{工美} enamel; 发懒 feel lazy;feel languid; 发牢骚 grumble;complain;grouse; 发冷 feel cold;feel chilly; 发愣 [口] stare blankly;be in a daze;be in a trance; 发亮 shine;become shiny; 发料单位 material issuing unit; 发裂 roaks;check;shattered crack;thermal burst;hairling crack; 发磷光物质 phosphorescent material; 发令枪 {体} starting gun [pistol];发令员 starter; 发聋振聩 rouse the deaf and awaken the unhearing;awaken the deaf;enlighten the benighted; 发露 become visible;appear;manifest itself; 发落 deal with (an offender); 发麻 numb;tingle;have pins and needles; 发码器 code sender;sender; 发码速度 signalling speed; 发毛 [口] be scared;get gooseflesh;[方] lose one's temper; 发霉 go mouldy;become mildewed;mustiness;mildew;mouldiness; 发蒙 [口] get confused;get into a muddle; 发蒙启滞 enlighten the young and open the minds of the dull; 发蒙振聩 make a deaf man hear and a blind man see;enlighten one's ignorance; 发蒙振落 (as) easy as taking off a cover or shaking down the leaves which are about to fall;(as) easy as ABC;things easily accomplished without mental effort; 发面 leaven dough;leavened dough; 发明 invent;invention;[书] expound; 发明创造 invent and create;make inventions and innovations;innovation and creation; 发明奖励条例 invent reward ceremony; 发明权 the right of invention; 发明专利 patent for invention; 发难 rise in revolt;launch an attack;be the first to start revolt; 发粘 clamminess;tacky; 发怒 get angry;fly into a rage;flare up; 发暖器 calefactor; 发呕 feel sick (at);feel nauseated (at);be disgusted (at); 发排 send a manuscript to the compositor; 发盘 offer; 发盘人 offerer;offeror; 发胖 put on [gain] weight;get fat;gain [make;get] flesh; 发泡 bleb;foam rise;foaming; 发泡性 foaminess; 发配 [旧] be transported to a distant place for penal servitude; banish; 发配充军 send to a distant exile; 发脾气 lose one's temper;get angry;cut up rough;let oneself go;hit the ceiling;fly into a temper; 发票 bill;receipt; 发票机 invoice machinery; 发起 initiate;sponsor;start;launch; 发气剂 foaming agent; 发气沥青 cloustonite; 发气速度 raising rate; 发气性 gas-forming property;gas evolution; 发情 estrus;oestrus;heat;rut;empathema;be in heat; 发球 serve a ball;serve;service; 发热 give out heat;generate heat;heating;warming;have a fever;fervescence;fever heat;fever;pyrexia; 发热性疱疹 fever-blister; 发人深思[省] provide much material [food] for (deep) thought;set people thinking;prompt sb. to deep thought;sth. which calls for deep thought;stimulate deep thought;thought-provoking; 发人深醒 make sb. wide awake; 发轫 [书] set sth. afoot;commence an undertaking; 发荣滋长 flourish and grow; 发软 become limp;become flaccid;become soft; 发散 diffuse;emanate;(of rays,etc.) diverge;{中医} disperse the internal heat with sudorifics;divergence;diver ̄gency;volatilization; 发散式冷却 porous cooling; 发散式思维 divergent thinking; 发丧 sent out obituary;handle funeral arrangements; 发色电子 chromophoric electrons; 发痧 [方] (中暑) have a heatstroke [sunstroke];发善心 show pity [kindness] of heart;have mercy upon [on] sb.; 发烧 have [run] a fever;have [run] a temperature;fire;heat;temperature;fever;pyret-;pyreto-;“发烧友” audiophile;fan; 发射 launch;radiate;project;discharge;loft;fire;transmission;emission;sending;transmitting;shooting;launching;rocketeer;radiation;liftoff;shot;takeoff;blast-off;primary release;projection;extraction;shoot;{物} transmit;emit; 发射场 nesting place;launching site; 发射段制导 launching phase guidance; 发射机 transmitter;sender;sending set;X-mitter; 发射极 emitter;emitting electrode;triode; 发射极接地 grounded emitter; 发射剂 cast charge; 发射率 emissivity; 发射器 ejector;emitter;projector;launcher; 发射区 emitter region;emitter; 发射声功率 transmitting sound power; 发射式电子管测试仪 emissiontype tube tester; 发射式电子显微镜 {电子} emission electron microscope; 发射台 flat-pad;launching pad;sending station;pad;launching stand;firing pad;transmitting station;transmitter; 发射药 {材} propellant powder;gun propellant; 发身 puberty; 发声 sound production;sonification;sounding;flatus voice; 发生 happen;occur;take place;arise;crop up;chance;befall;come off;come to pass;come about;come up;come what may;be set;turn up;bring to pass;germination;occurrence;-gony;-plasia;-genous;-genesia; 发生期 emergence period; 发生器 {化} gen;rattle;producer;deviser;generator; 发生学 embryology; 发誓 vow;pledge;swear;make [take] an oath; 发誓赌咒 take [swear] an oath; 发售 sell;put on sale; 发抒 express;voice; 发水 flood; 发思古之幽情 muse over things of the remote past; 发咝音 sibilation; 发送 transmit by radio;transmission;sending;transmitting;dispatch (letters,etc.);delivery;dispatching; 发送端 transmitting terminal;trasmit ̄ ting end; sending end; 发送机 transmitter;sending machine; 发馊 spoil and turn sour; 发酸 turn sour;acescent;ache slightly;acescency; 发酸面团 sourdough; 发条 spring;remontoir;ribbon;winding mechanism;spiral spring;mainspring ;spiral power spring;clockwork spring; 发铁色素 {生化;生理} trichosiderin; 发往 send to; 发威 demonstrate one's courage and power; 发文 outgoing message;dispatch; 发问 ask [put;pose;raise] a question; 发物 stimulating food (such as mutton,fish,shrimps,etc.); 发下 give;issue;distribute;send down; 发现 find;discover; 发现者号卫星 the Discoverer satellite; 发祥 [书] prosper; 发祥地 place of origin;birthplace; 发响 make a sound [noise];发饷 [旧] issue pay (esp. to soldiers); 发笑 laugh; 发泄 give vent to;let off;abreact; 发薪日 pay day; 发信 post a letter;send;transmitting; 发信号 singalling; 发行 (of currency,bonds,etc.) issue;distributing and releasing;publish;distribute;put on sale; 发行费 distribution department; 发行股票 floating stocks;stock issue;issue shares;go public; 发行科 circulation department; 发行权 distribution right; 发行商 distributer; 发行网 distribution network; 发行者 publisher; 发虚 {摄} breezing; 发旋 tourbillion;tourbillon; 发噱 [方] amusing;funny; 发芽 germinate;sprout;sprouting;burgeon;bourgeon;braird; 发烟 fuming; 发烟枪榴弹 {军} smoke grenade; 发言 speak;make a statement [speech];take the floor; 发言权 right to speak;say; 发言人 spokesman; 发言盈庭 Speecles are multiplying.; 发言中肯 speak to the point;hit the mark;hit the right nail on the head;strike the right note; 发炎 {医} inflammation;anger;fire;inflame; 发扬 develop;promote;carry forward;carry on;make the most of;make full use of;bring into full play; 发扬光大 carry forward;develop;enhance;foster and enhance;give full play to;give greater scope to...;bring to a greater height of development;develop and shine with greater brilliance;develop to a higher stage;spread and flourish; 发扬蹈厉 glorify and discipline; 发洋财 make a fortune of ill-gotton wealth;get rich by ill-gotten wealth; 发痒 itch;tickle; 发疟子 have an attack of malaria;suffer from malarial fever; 发音 pronunciation;enunciation;articulation;phonation articulation;pronounce;enunciate;articulate; 发音学 phonetics; 发引 carry out the coffin upon burial; 发硬 become hard; 发语词 a function word in classical Chinese writings; 发育 growth;development;auxe;engender;grow;develop gradually by a process of growth and change; 发育性囊肿 developmental cyst; 发育学 auxology;auxanology; 发源 rise;originate;have [take] its source; 发源地 seminary;headstream;home;birthland;place of origin;sourceland;source; 发愿 express one's desire,hope or wish; 发晕 feel dizzy [giddy];faint; 发运 despatch;forwarding; 发运人协会 shippers' councils; 发杂音接收机 {讯} blooper; 发展 develop;expand;grow;burgeon;bourgeon;recruit;admit; 发展国民经济总方针 general policy of developing national economy; 发展经济,保障供给 develop the economy and ensure supplies; 发展权 rights to development; 发展社会学 developmental sociology; 发展体育运动,增强人民体质 Promote physical culture and build up the people's health.; 发展性失读症 {心理} developmental alexia; 发展性失语症 {心理} developmental aphasia; 发展性危机 {心理} developmental crisis; 发展中工业 growth industry; 发展中公司 growth company; 发展中国家 developing country [nation];发胀 swell;feel distended; 发疹 dermexanthesis;exanthesis; 发怔 stare blankly;be in a daze;be in a trance; 发证机关 licence issuing authority; 发肿 swell;become swollen; 发咒起誓 swear and take an oath; 发紫 turn blue; 发自肺府 from the depth [bottom] of one's heart; 发踪[纵]指示 give instructions after discovering the trace;pull the strings;pull wires behind the scenes; 发作 break out;show effect;have a fit of anger;lose one's temper;flare up
发(髮)fàⅠ ❶ (头发) hair:白 ~ grey [white] hair; 假 ~ wig;false hair; 金 ~ blonde [golden] hair;fair hair; 理 ~ haircut; 毛 ~ hair (on the human body and head); 银 ~ silver hair ❷ [书] (草木) grass and trees;plants and trees ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 福 Fa Fu Ⅱ [书] (蓄发) wear one's hair long;grow [cultivate] long hair 另见 see also fā。 ◆发辫 tail;plait;braid; 发菜 {植} hair weeds; 发草 hairgrass; 发迟 {中医} retardation in hair-growing;retarding of hair growth of children; 发虫 hairworm; 发短心长 old in age but vigorous in mind; 发堕 alopecia; 发缝 clinking; 发膏 hairdressing;hair cream;pomade; 发根病 hairy root; 发根黑点病 trichostasis; 发根竖立 One's hair stands on end — absolutely terrified [horror-stricken].;发冠 tuinga; 发髻 bun;chignon;hair worn in a bun or coil; 发际 hair line; 发夹 hairpin;bobby pin; 发径 capillus; 发卷 bun;curled hair; 发蜡 pomade;brilliantine; 发(丝)裂(缝) hair crack(ing);flakes;hair line; 发毛 beard hair;outer coat fibre; 发妻 first wife; 发卡 hairpin;tuck comb; 发式 hair style;hairdo;head; 发梳 tuck comb; 发束 topknot; 发刷 hairbrush; 发丝 hairline; 发网 hairnet;snood;fanchon; 发纹 hairline;craze;streak; 发涡 flumina pilorum; 发型 hair style;hairdo;coiffure; 发型设计师 [美] hairtician; 发绣 hair embroidery; 发癣 tinea capitis;trichophytosis;trichophyton disease;ringworm of the scalp; 发油 hair oil;(hair) brilliantine;hair tonic; 发毡 hair felt; 发针 hair-pin; 发指 bristle with anger;boil with anger; 发指眦裂 with one's hair standing and the corners of the eyes splitting — boil with anger; 发制品 hairwork; 发状裂缝 minute crack; 发状裂纹 hairline;craze 发fa【口语】make a fortune 发issue; send (out); distribute;give out; dispatch;launch;fire;award;hand out ~传真send a fax/~奖金distribute bonuses/~奖品award prize to sb/~信号give a signal/~货dispatch goods/~执照issue a licence/~签证issue visa/~通知hand out a notice/ ~炮fire a cannon /~导弹launch a missile/~国难财profiteer from a national crisis; acquire huge wealth out of national crisis; war profiteering/~横财get a windfall/~牢骚grumble;complain/~善心be kindhearted |