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❶ (破坏;糟蹋) destroy;ruin;damage: 艺术品和珍贵史料全被无情地 ~ 掉了。 Works of art and priceless historical records were ruthlessly destroyed. 这场雹子把庄稼 ~ 了。 The hailstorm ruined the crops.
❷ (烧掉) burn up: 焚 ~ destroy by fire;burn down;
那栋房子 ~ 于大火。 The house was destroyed in the big fire.
❸ (毁谤;说别人坏话) defame;slander: 诋 ~ vilify;slander
❹ [方] (把成件的旧东西改成别的东西,多指衣服) refashion;make over: 把这件大褂给孩子们 ~ 两件上衣。 Make two children's jackets out of this gown.
◆毁谤 slander;malign;calumniate;
毁坏 destroy;damage;break;decay;ruin;ravage;erode;deface;
毁家纾难 sell family properties to relieve the distress of people;offer all one has to help in charity;spend one's fortune for the country during a crisis;
毁歼公算 kill probability;
毁林 deforest;
毁灭 destroy;exterminate;ruin;
毁灭无遗 destroy [exterminate] completely;
毁灭性地震 ruinous shock;ruinous earthquake;
毁弃 scrap;annul;
毁容 disfigure;
毁伤 injure;hurt;damage;
毁尸灭迹 chop up a corpse and obliterate all traces;burn the corpse to destroy the evidence;bury the corpse in order to destroy all traces of one's crime;reduce the corpse to ashes in order to destroy all traces (of one's crime);
毁损 damage;impair;breakage;
毁形 unmake;
毁形灭性 ruin one's figure and destroy one's disposition through grief;
毁衣狂 haillonnisme;
毁于一旦 be destroyed on one day [in a moment];be wiped out in a day;
毁誉 praise or blame;praise or condemnation;
毁誉参半 get both praise and blame;be as much censured as praised;be as much praised as blamed;mixed reception;
毁誉图利 prostitute one's own honor for personal gains;
毁誉失当 inappropriate in giving praise;get [put] the boot on the wrong foot [leg];毁约 break one's promise;scrap a contract or treaty;break the contract





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