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单词 单刀直入

单刀直入dān dāo zhí rù

bluntly; talk cold turkey; come (/go) straight to the point; cut the cackle and come to the horses; get (/come) down to brass tacks; in a straightforward way; in (the)direct form; make a simple and direct attack on (a subject); not mince one’s words; outspoken; speak out without beating about (/around) the bush
❍ 等薛国观叩头起来以后,崇祯不愿再同薛国观绕圈子说话,~地问: …… (姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—692) After Xue had kowtowed his gratitude and got up,the emperor decided to stop being indirect and so he asked bluntly:…/这样打好了主意,于是,第三天的晚上,道静就轻轻走到陈大娘屋里和她聊起天来。她们谈了一会儿家常,道静忽然~地开了腔: …… (杨沫《青春之歌》299) So a third evening she made a point of chatting with Aunty Chen,and after some general remarks went straight to the point./“韩家大院摊过劳工没有呢?”为了缩小斗争面,萧队长~提到老韩家。(周立波《暴风骤雨》49)“Was Han Number Six ever conscripted?”Team Leader Xiao got down to brass tacks.
❍ 过了一个时期,童少英~地向季昌志这样说。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—19)Shaoying finally asked Changzhi one day in a straightforward way.
❍ 徐鹏飞对这种罗嗦的问答,感到厌烦; 可是,他马上又听到朱介一声~的问话,这句话问得那么突然。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》107) Xu Pengfei was annoyed by the rambling questions and answers but Zhu Jie’s next question was like a sudden knife thrust.
❍ 她说话像一般管家的妇女那样锋利、~:……(王汶石《风雪之夜》194) Her talk had in it the straightforwardness and pungency characteristic of a housewife.
❍ 武震瞪着他~道:“旁人讲你怕美国呢。”(杨朔《三千里江山》39) “People say you’re afraid of the U. S..”Wu glared,and the thrust went home.

单刀直入dān dāo zhí rù

比喻直截了当,不绕弯子。come straight to the point, not to mince one’s words, in a straight forward way, bluntly, get down to brass tacks, come directly to the point





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