卓zhuōⅠ ❶ (高而直) tall and erect; upright: ~ 立 stand erect [upright] ❷ (高明) eminent; excellent; outstanding: 成绩 ~ 然 achieve outstanding results Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 文君 Zhuo Wenjun ◆卓见 excellent opinion; brilliant idea; 卓绝 unsur ̄ passed; extreme; of the highest degree; 卓跞[荦] [书] unsurpassed; eminent; extraordinary; preeminent; outstanding; 卓然 outstanding; brilliant; stately; eminent; 卓识 judicious judgment; superior insight or judg ̄ ment; sagacity; 卓有成效 very fruitful; highly effec ̄ tive; 卓越 outstanding; brilliant; remarkable; 卓著 distinguished; outstanding; eminent |