convictpa. p. proved guilty,convicted证明为有罪,宣判为有罪。 △R.Ⅲ.1.4.196(187): “Before I be convictby course of law,/To threaten me with death is mostunlawful.”在我被通过法律程序宣判有罪之前,就以死来威胁我是完全非法的。 convict[kənˈvikt]v.证明…有罪,定罪,判罪[ˈkɔnvikt]n.罪犯,囚犯 ‖ convict establishment劳改场所 convict in prison囚犯 convict prison监狱 convict system服刑制度 convicted prisoner已判决的罪犯 conviction n.定罪,宣告有罪,深信,确信,信念 ◇be of the conviction that深信 carry conviction有说服力 in the conviction深信,坚决相信 open to conviction服理 shake a conviction动摇信心 conviction on indictment循公诉程序定罪,依诉状定罪 convictive adj.有说服力的,令人信服的 convictively adv.有说服力地 |