卑鄙下贱bēi bǐ xià jiànlow and degrading; low and mean ❍ 木匠给我们种种的便利,安适;这那里是~的人的行径?(叶圣陶《倪焕之》97) How can a carpenter’s work be low or degrading when he provides us with so many amenities and comforts?/你们到学校里来学些什么?你们对于将来希望些什么? 无非要求有能力,能做事情,成个光明伟大的人,不致做~的人罢了。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》98) What do you come to school to learn? What do you hope for the future? Surely it’s so that you can acquire the skill to do a job of work and become noble and outstanding instead of low and mean. |