释义 |
recordern. 1. one who records or registers and keeps the rolls ofa city,civil magistrate of a city,city official(一个城市中)记录并保管案卷的官员,民政官,市政官。 △R.III.3.7.29:“His answer was. the people were not used / To bespoke to but by the Recorder.”他回答说,民众除了听民政官传达以外,不习惯于听人讲话。 2.(windinstru ment) flute.flag- eolet长笛,六孔竖笛。 △Ham.3.2.307 (291): “Ah,ha! Come,recorder some music! Come,the recorders!”啊,哈! 来一点音乐!来两管笛子! △Mid.5.1.123 (122):“Indeed he hathplayed on his prologue like a child on a recorder — asound,but not in government.”他这一段开场白念得真像小孩子吹笛子,只有声音,却没有控制。 recorder记录官见judge条。
recorder竖笛木管乐器。源于中世纪。17~18世纪流行,后废弃。20世纪重新使用。与侧吹笛不同,竖笛端吹。体管为锥形,上有8个指孔。吹口为口哨形。有低音竖笛、中音竖笛、高音竖笛和最高音竖笛4种,各跨两个8度。现在许多竖笛均由英国乐器制造家A.多尔梅奇仿巴罗克时期竖笛设计制造。 |