释义 |
水火不相容水火不容shuǐ huǒ bù xiāng róngas incompatible (/inimical/irreconcilable) as fire and water; diametrically opposed to each other;mutually exclusive ❍ 他绝不使自己的家业接近仇人姚士杰,那和他的“政治性儿” ~。(柳青《创业史》206) He absolutely wouldn’t permit his family holdings to approach the size of those of his enemy,the rich peasant Yao. That would be as incompatible with his“political nature”as fire is to water. ❍ 太太! 求道不求医,求医不求道,医者治病靠药力,道者治病靠神力,医道两门,~。你是求医呢,还是求道呢? 你是信药呢,还是信神呢?太太! 由你自择。(曲波《林海雪原》148)Madam,do you seek a doctor or the Taoist Way? Do you believe in medicine or the power of the spirits?Since the two are inimical to each other as fire to water,the choice is yours,madam. ❍ 加上慈禧同光绪从戊戌政变以来,~,满清朝廷,分成旧新两党,这也是满鞑子内部的另一个致命伤。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—145) In addition the irreconcilable dissension between the Empress Dowager and the Emperor Guang Xu since the Reform Movement in 1898 caused a split among the Manchu rulers into two rival groups—the new and the old. This is another deadly inner wound from which they suffer. 水火不相容shui huo bu xiang rongbe absolutely irreconcilable as fire and water 水火不相容shuǐ huǒ bù xiānɡ rónɡ容:容纳。比喻互不相容,势不两立。be incompatible as fire and water, mutually exclusive, mutually antagonistic |