换huàn ❶ (给人东西同时从他那里取得别的东西) exchange;barter;trade: 用大米 ~ 布 exchange [barter] rice for cloth; 用鲜血 ~ 来的教训 a lesson paid for in blood; 那男孩用他的刀子 ~ 了一个板球棒。 The boy traded his knife for a cricket bat. ❷ (变换;更换) change: ~ 乘火车 change to a train;~ 句话说 in other words;~ 衣服 change one's clothes; 出去走一下,~ ~ 脑筋。 Let's go for a walk and give our minds a rest. 你愿意和我 ~ 座位吗? Will you change seats with me? 他 ~ 了一部外国造的车。 He changed his car for a foreign make. ❸ (兑换) exchange;cash: 把美国货币 ~ 成英国货币 exchange American money into English; 你想把你的外币 ~ 成人民币吗? Would you like to change your foreign currency into Chinese money? ◆换班 change shifts;relieve a person on duty;{军} changing of the guard; 换币机 money exchange machine; 换边 {体} change sides; 换步 {军} change step; 换侧 side change; 换茬 {农} change of crops; 换车 transfer;change trains or buses; 换乘 transfer;change; 换船 transfer;change ships; 换挡 shift;shift gears; 换刀 tool changing; 换发动机 reengine; 换发球 {体} change of service; 换防 {军} relieve a garrison; 换俘 {军} exchange of prisoners; 换岗 relieve a sentry [guard];changing of the guard; 换(成)高速挡 upshift;up-shift; 换个儿 exchange (seats); 换工 exchange labour; 换骨夺胎 be born again;effect basic or fundamental change; 换管子 retube;repipe; 换辊 roll change; 换行 line feed; 换换口味 have a change in diet [environment];换货 exchange goods;barter; 换季 change dress proper for the season;change garments according to the season;wear different clothes for a new season; 换届 change the term of office; 换脚 change of feet; 换角度镜头 angle shot; 换接 changing-over;change; 换句话说 in other words;say sth. in other words;that is to say; 换空气 ventilate; 换料 reloading;refuelling;change material; 换路开关 circuit-changing switch; 换码 escape; 换名 {计} call by name;by-name;name replacement; 换排(挡) change gear; 换气 take a breath (in swimming);aeration;change of air; 换钱 change money (into small changes or to other currency);barter (goods) for money;sell; 换取 exchange sth. for;get in return; 换热器 heat exchanger;heat-exchange facility;heat-exchanging unit; 换人 {体} substitution (of players); 换数字挡 figure shift; 换算 {数} matrixing;scaler;conversion;convert;translation; 换算因数 conversion factor; 换汤不换药 change the liquid but not the drugs — a surperficial reform;a change in name only;change in form but not in content;make a superficial change;offer the same old stuff but with a different label;old stuff in new concoctions;the same old stuff with a different label; 换帖 exchange cards containing all personal details and become sworn brothers; 换筒(子) {纺} creeling; 换土 soil removal and replacement; 换位 conversion;transposition;replacement;trans-situaition;commutant;change of positions; 换位子 {数} commutator; 换文 exchange of notes [letters];换席更酌 Wine was again served.; 换向 changing-over;change;{航} jibe;reversal;switch;switching;{电工} commutate;commutation; 换新 change for new;renew;kainogenesis; 换牙 (of a child) grow permanent teeth;restoration; 换药 change a medical prescription;change fresh dressing for a wound; 换页 skip; 换衣服 change one's clothes;shift; 换油 change oil;oil change;renewing the oil;replacement of oil; 换羽毛 mew; 换约 exchange treaties;exchange ratification of a treaty; 换主(子) change owner;change ownership; 换装站 {铁道} transshipment station; 换字母挡 alphabetic shift;letters shift |