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单词 recover


1. restore,revive,bring back to health使恢复,使苏醒,使恢复健康。
△As.4.3.152(150): “Brief,I recoveredhim,”简言之,我把他救醒过来。
2. regain,get again,reconquer收复,收回,再攻克。
△1H.VI.1.6.9: “Recovered is the town ofOrleans: / More blessed hap did ne'er befall ourstate.”奥尔良的城市收复了;在我国还从来没有发生过比这更值得喜庆的事。
△ 1H.VI.3.2.115:“Lost,and recoveredin a day again!”在 一天之内失陷又收复!
△1H.VI.3.3.2:“Nor grieve that Rouen is so recovered.”也不要因为卢昂被攻下而伤心。
3. win back,regain the favour of,reconcile重新赢得,重得…的好感,使和解。
△Oth.2.3.274 (271): “What,man,there are more ways to recover the general a-gain.”什么,伙计,要重新赢得将军的好感,还有办法。
4. take away,get hold of夺去,抓住。
△Oth.5.2.237(239):“Take you this weapon / Which I have here re-covered from the Moor.”你拿着我从摩尔人手里夺下来的这把剑。
5. win,obtain,get赢得,获得,得到。
△Tw.2.3.203(184): “If I cannot recover your niece,I am a foul way out. ”我若不能得到你的侄女,我是要大大破产了。
6. reach,arrive at到达。
△ Gent.5.1.12: “If we re-cover that,we are sure enough.”只要我们能到达那里,我们就万无一失了。
7. rescue,save援救,拯救。
△Tw.2.1.40 (38): “killhim whom you have recovered,”把已经救起来的人再杀掉。
8. restore,(blunder for) discover恢复,(错用为)发现。
△Ado.3.3.177 (167): “We have here recovered themost dangerous piece of lechery”,我们发现了一件最危险的谋反案件。
recover the wind: (hunting term) get to windward,run in the opposite direction (狩猎用语)占住上风,跑到逆风方向(以便将猎物顺风赶进陷阱或罗网)。
△Ham.3.2. 368(346): “why do you go about to recover the wind ofme,as if you would drive me into a toil?”为什么你们老是想方设法,要绕到我的上风头,好像要把我赶进罗网呢?
~ vi. get well again,be restored from swooning恢复,苏醒。
△As. 4. 3. 162(160): “Look,he recovers.”看,他醒了。


◇ recover debts索回债款
recover from重新获得
recover losses弥补损失
recover the scent重新找到线索
‖ recover an amount of money收回款项
recover arm移臂
recover debts索回债款
recover debt收回债务
recover factor回收率
recover loan收回借款
recover losses弥补损失
recover lost territory收复失地
recover of tax 追讨税款
recover one’s credit恢复信贷资格
recover shot挽回败局的一击,打出障碍recover the arms out of water出水移臂
recover the value of the bill索取汇票款项额
recover to the standing position收腿
recover with high elbow高肘移臂
recoveries n.追回款项
recoveries of bad debts呆账追回
recovering apparatus and instruments康复器械
recovering bad and doubtful debt收回死账及疑账
recoverable adj. recoverable aerial target可回收空靶
recoverable capsule回收舱
recoverable cost可收回成本
recoverable debt可收回债务recoverable expenditure可收回支出
recoverable loss可收回损失
recoverable satellite可回收卫星
recoverable value可收回价值
recoverable VAT应退增值税
recovery n. recovery action追索诉讼
recovery area回收区
recovery characteristic回复特性
recovery command回收指令
recovery cue复原线索
recovery dive鱼跃救球
recovery efficiency回收效率
recovery factor恢复因素
recovery field着陆回收场
recovery forces失事救援队
recovery from net将触网球救起
recovery fund追赔资金
recovery in kind实物补偿
recovery knee摆动腿的膝
recovery leg摆动腿
recovery medicine,convalescence medicine康复医学
recovery muscles移臂肌肉群
recovery of bad debts呆账追回
recovery of business经济复苏
recovery of costs收回成本
recovery of late payments要求支付拖欠金额
recovery of legs收腿
recovery of original state恢复原状
recovery of premises收回房产
recovery of price价格回升
recovery of sums due收回到期账款
recovery of the market市场恢复
recovery pace恢复速度
recovery package回收舱
recovery party抢修队
recovery period恢复期
recovery phase摆动阶段
recovery platoon抢修排
recovery processing回收处理
recovery process恢复过程
recovery programme复原方案
recovery share低价股
recovery station修复站,回收站
recovery step还原步
recovery total回收总量
recovery training康复性训练
recovery value回收值
recovery vehicle救援车
recovery vehicle救援车
recovery zone回收段,回收区





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