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单词 意味深长

意味深长yì wèi shēn cháng

have deep meaning;expressive; mean a great deal; meaningful (ly); of profound significance; significant (ly); with much feeling; pregnant with meaning
❍ 在“李家里”的前面,加上“他们”两个字,是出了嫁的女人家称呼婆家惯有的口吻,但她在这里,对着刘雨生,加上眼睛的不无情意地一瞥,却有一种~的含义。(周立波《山乡巨变》)287) The addition of “their” before “Li family” was the usual way in which a married woman would talk bout her husband’s family,but as she said it to Liu Yusheng and looked at him with some feeling,it cenveyed a special and deep meaning.
❍ 他用响亮的声音,对他们又作了一次~的谈话。(知侠《铁道游击队》364) Li Chen then gave them a most inspiring talk.
❍ 袁廷发微微地笑了,显出一种~的神情。(艾芜《百炼成钢》116) Yuan Tingfa smiled significantly.
❍ 盛淑君~地轻轻地说了。她的声音低到只有身边的人能听到。(周立波《山乡巨变》185) She spoke with much feeling and in such a low voice that only someone close to her could hear.
❍ 她和他握手分别时,他又紧紧握着她的手很久不放,眼睛毫无顾忌地注意着她的一对眼睛,~地说: “再见。”(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—235) When he shook hand with her to say good-bye he continued holding her hand tightly for some time and said meaningfully,gazing without restraint into her eyes:“Good-bye.”/你的意见是交给谁来干呢?”江姐~地问。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》55) Sister Jiang raised her eyebrows questioningly: “And whom do you think this work should be given?”


have deep meaning;of profound significance;pregnant with meaning
他的话~。What he says is significant./~的一笑a meaningful smile

意味深长yì wèi shēn chánɡ

形容说话或写作的内容含蓄,含义深刻、耐人寻味。great significance, have deep meaning, hold profound implications





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