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单词 卑躬屈膝

卑躬屈膝卑躬屈节bēi gōng qū xī

act servilely(/obsequiously); bend (/bow) to sb’s will;bend to sb’s yoke; be (/go down) on one’s knees;be servile to sb; bite (/kiss) the ground;cringe(/act) servilely; bow and scrape (before sb); bow low and humiliate oneself;bow the neck to; grovel;humble (/humiliate) oneself;kiss the hem of sb’s garment; kiss the rod;lick (/kiss) the dust; lick sb’s boots (/feet/shoes); lower one’s horn; make obeisances; obsequious; prone; prostrate; reptile;reptilian; show servility to; slavish; stoop to flattery;submissive; with cap (/hat) in hand
❍ 所以也不敢走,只得在侯殿坤面前~,在马希山眼前摇尾乞怜。(曲波《林海雪原》449) And so Xie didn’t dare go either.All he could do was to bow and scrape before Hou,and wag his tail fawningly in the presence of Ma.
❍ 他在私人问题上善于自处,没有必要~地去要求人家帮助。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》40) When it comes to personal matters,he knows how to conduct himself and has no need to humble himself in order to get help from others.


grovel;bow and scrape;cringe;act servilely (or obsequiously)

卑躬屈膝bēi ɡōnɡ qū xī

低头弯腰、下跪。形容没有骨气,谄媚奉承他人的奴才相。servile flattery, bow and scrape, be servile to sb. make obeisances, grovel, act servilely, bite the ground





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