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单词 剑拔弩张

剑拔弩张jiàn bá nǔ zhāng

all is set for a showdown; at daggers drawn; at swords’points; bare fangs; be ready to jump at each other’s throat;become dangerously explosive; brandish swords and draw bows; in a blustering and aggressive manner;with swords drawn and bows bent (/crossbows set)
❍ 今天我们看到,南北都在~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》117) …and today we find North and South at daggers drawn.
❍ 徐鹏飞连忙插身于~的局势中,……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》193) Xu Pengfei hurriedly intervened to prevent the situation from breaking out into open violence.
❍ 马慕韩见冯永祥和柳惠光两个人你一言我一语的,有点~的形势,他旋即把话题拉过来。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ —430) Fearing that Feng Yongxiang and Liu Huiguang might come to blows if they continued bandying words with one another,Ma Muhan quickly changed the subject.
❍ 我尝见人评古人的文章,说谁是“锋棱太露”,谁又是“~”,就因为对面的文章,完全消灭了的缘故,……(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—190)I have seen the work of certain old writers criticized as too sharp or too emotional just because their opponents’writings had disappeared.


with swords drawn and bows bent;saber-rattling

剑拔弩张jiàn bá nǔ zhānɡ

弩:弓。剑从鞘中拔出,弓也张开了。比喻形势紧张,一触即发;也比喻书法、作品非常雄健。confront each other with daggers, at daggers point, with swords drawn, rattle one’s sabres





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