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单词 face


1 . facial expression,grimace面部表情,鬼脸。
△Ham. 32. 267 (252): “Begin,murderer. Pox! leave thy dam-nable faces and begin. ”动手吧,凶手。倒霉蛋,别扮你的鬼脸了,动手。
△Mac. 3. 4. 67 (66): “Why do you makesuch faces?”你为什么做这样的鬼脸?
2. outward show,pretence外表的虚饰,假装。
△1H. IV.4. 3. 82: “and by this face,/ This seeming brow ofjustice,did he win / The hearts of all that he did angle for;”靠着这种伪装,这种好似公正的外貌,他赢得了他所要钓取的人心。
3. presence 面前。
△1H. IV. 3. 2. 81: “But ratherdrowsed and hung their eyelids down,/ Slept in hisface”,而是打着瞌睡,耷拉着眼皮,在他面前睡起觉来。
face of brass: guilty self-assurance厚脸皮。
△L. L. L.5. 2. 396 (395):“Can any face of brass hold longerout?”哪一张厚脸皮能再硬撑下去?
with that face: (a slang expression) You don’t meanit (俚语)你乱说!
△L. L. L. 1. 2. 147 (140): “With that face?”我看你是瞎扯! (直译:凭着你这一副嘴脸吗?)


1. adorn,cover装饰,掩饰。
△1H.IV. 5. 1. 74:“To facethe garment of rebellion / With some fine colour”,用美好的颜色把叛乱的外衣装饰一下。
2. trim,edge,adorn整修,镶边,装饰。
△Shr.4.3. 123(122):“Thou hast faced many things.”你(在衣料上)又加上了许多花样。
3. bully,attack impudently欺侮,无礼打击。
△Shr. 4. 3.125 (124):“Face not me,”不要欺侮我。
~ vi. put on a false face,pretend,deceive装出一副假面孔,假装,欺骗。
△1H. VI. 5. 3. 140 (141):“Fair Margaret knows / That Suffolk doth not flatter,face,orfeign.”美丽的玛格利特知道萨福克不奉承、不欺骗、不作假。
Phrases & Expressions:
face down: maintain to one’s face that,assert that当面说.硬说。
△Com. 3. 1. 6: “But here’s a villain thatwould face me down / He met me on the mart,”可是这里有个奴才,当着我的面硬说他在市场见过我。
face it out: brazen it out,put on a bold front厚着脸皮硬挺,装出一副大胆的样子。
△H.V. 3. 2. 34 (32): “ForBardolph,he is white-livered and red-faced; by themeans whereof ’a ( = he) faces it out. but fightsnot.”说起巴道夫,他不过是个红脸的胆小鬼,只会厚着脸皮充大胆,真打他不干。
face it with a card of ten: (an expression from card-play) bluff by using only a ten-spot with the effront-ery of a “picture” card (牌戏用语)拿十点当“花牌”使.居然唬过去了。
△Shr. 2. 1. 399 (405): “Yet I have faced itwith a card of ten.”不过我刚才胡吹一阵确是把他唬住了。
face out: ❶outface,put out of countenance,put toshame用脸色吓倒,使丢脸,使感到羞耻。
△H. V. 3. 7. 94(82): “I will not say so,for I fear I should be facedout of my way. ” i. e. put to shame and turned out ofmy course. 我可不愿意这么说,因为我只怕会被敌人的脸色吓得满面羞愧.无地自容。
❷brazen out把…坚持到底。
△Shr2. 1. 283 (289): “with oaths to face the matter out”.凭着赌咒发誓.把事情蛮干到底。
face out of: ❶bully out of,impudently exclude from威吓…使失去,无耻剥夺。
△Tw. 4. 2. 102 (92): “and doall they can to face me out of my wits.”i. e. tell meto my face that I am out of my wits,impudently claimthat I am mad. 他们千方百计硬说我是疯了。
❷deny toone’s face当面否认。
△Tw. 5. 1. 90 (86): “his falsecunning,/ Not meaning to partake with me indanger,/ Taught him to face me out of his acquaintance,” i.e. to look me in the face and yet pretend notto know me. 他的狡诈,因为不肯与我共患难,教他硬不承认与我相识。


n. 脸,面,表情,外观,正面,版面,票面 v. 面向,勇敢面对,正视
◇ accept the face of 偏爱,偏袒
be faced with面临,面对
face off 与…对抗(峙),敌对
face the fact 面对现实 face the music 临危不惧
face the play 控制球掌握主动
face the puck 争球
face to face 面对面,面对
face up to 勇敢地对付,正视
fly in the face of公然反抗,悍然不顾,做某事
have the face(cheek) to do sth. 竟敢
in face of = in the face of 纵然,即使面对
make a face 做鬼脸
on the face of 出面,在…上面
on the face of it 从表面判断
put a new face on 使…面貌一新
save one’s face 保全面子
set one’s face against sth.坚决反对
show one’s face 出面,露面,到场
‖ face about 向后转
face amount 面额,票面金额
face amount of bond 债券票面金额
face arch 前拱
face blind 防护面罩
face brick 面砖
face cards 花牌
face challenge 面临挑战
face cream 面霜
face danger fearlessly临危不惧
face down 俯卧姿势
face-down stroke 俯泳
face each other 面对面
ace-first dive 头先入水的跳水
face gesture 面部动作守
face guard 护面具,面罩,头盔
face guarding 面对面的盯人防守,迎面看
face helmet 面罩
face hymn drill 对抗性练习
face interest rate 票面利率
face lace 假胡须
face mask (守门员)面罩
face of bow 弓腹
face of discus 铁饼
face-off alignment 争球阵式
face-off circle 争球面
face-off line 争球点限制线,争球圈限制线
face-off shot 争球点
face of racket 拍面
face pack 面膜
face painter 肖像画家
face par 票面价值(格)/ face pass 正面上手传球
face plates 潜水镜
face profile 平面轮廓
face reality 面对现实
face-saving devices 保全面子方式
face-saving devices 保全面子方式
face-to-face relationship 直接关系圈
face-to-face communication 面 谈
face-to-face contact 面对面接触,直接接触
face-to-face group 面对面团体
face-to-face interaction 面对面互动
face-to-face interview 面对面访谈
face-to-face relationship 面对面关系
face-to-face sport 面对面比赛项目,交手项目
face-to-face talk 会晤
face-to-face teaching 面授
face tone 面部色调
face validity 表面效度
face value 表面价值,面值,票面金额
face value of share 股票票面价值
face vault 正腾越
face wall 组合墙
facing shot 面向球篮投篮
faceal adj. 表面的,面部的
facebar n.(摔跤运动中的)夹脸
face-bonding n. 正面焊接,面接
face-down adj.&adv. 面朝下
face-lift adj.掩盖错误的/ n. 表面改建,翻新
face-lifting n. 美容(术),整容
face-off n. 对抗,对峙,开球
faceplate n. 面板,荧光屏
facer n. 刮刀
faceted adj. 有小平面的,有刻面的
face-to-face adj. 面对面的,直接接触的
face-up adj.& adv. 面朝上
facet[ˈfæskit]n. 小平面,刻面/ v. 在…上刻面
facet painting 立体派的分面绘画 facial[ˈfeiʃəl]adj. 面部的
facial angle 面角
facial asymmetry 面部非对称美
facial expression面部表情
facial make-up 面部化妆
facial mask 美容面具
facial play 面部表情,模拟表演
facial tissue 化妆纸
facies n. 面部
facing n.表面加工,镶边,贴边





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