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单词 inspire
inspire/ ɪn′spaɪ ǝ(r)/ vt [-d,-d/d/;-eing/rɪ ŋ/]

(1)鼓舞,激(鼓)励(give the desire or courage)[T+nT+n+prep(to),C+n+to-inf]:be greatly~d by reading the life of a great man 读了一位伟人的生平介绍而大受鼓舞;He (His noble example)~d us to greater/further efforts. 他(他崇高的榜样)激励我们更加/进一步努力。He (His courage/Success)~d us/us to fresh efforts. 他(他的勇气/成功)鼓舞了我们/鼓舞我们作出新的努力。His friend's words/His advice/His encouragement~d her to try again (to set up her own business/to work hard). 他朋友的话/他的建议/他的鼓励激励她再作努力(建立自己的企业/努力工作)。an~ing thought 一个鼓舞人心的想法;

(2)激发(起),引起(give or cause a feeling)[T+nT+n+prep(with/in)]:~panic/terror 引起恐慌/恐惧;He~d dislike in me. 他使我反感。She~d confidence/enthusiasm/love/respect in me. 她激发了我的信心/热情/爱/尊重。~sb with patriotism/courage/hope/a sense of beauty/admiration/disgust 激起某人的爱国心/勇气/希望/美感/钦佩/厌恶;

(3)给予灵感(启发)(fill with the urge to writepaintcomposeetc)[T+nC+n+to-inf]:His wife~d his first novel. 他的妻子给他灵感使他写出了第一部小说。The memory of his mother~d his best music. 对母亲的记忆使他获得灵感从而创作出最美的音乐。The beautiful scenery~d him to write his greatest poems. 美丽的景色给了他灵感使他写出了最伟大的诗篇。

→ ͵inspi′ration n 灵感;启发;鼓舞;in′spired adj 有创作力的;有雄心壮志的;有灵感的;凭借灵感产生的;in′spiring adj 鼓舞人心的;动人的





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