释义 |
具jùⅠ ❶ (用具) utensil;tool;implement: 农 ~ farm tools [implements];agricultural implements; 文 ~ writing materials [utensils];stationery ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 丙 Ju Bing Ⅱ [书] (用于棺材、尸体和某些器物): 一 ~ 尸体 a corpse; 一 ~ 座钟 a desk clock Ⅲ ❶ (具有) possess;have: 初 ~ 规模 have begun to take shape ❷ [书] (备;办) provide;furnish: 谨 ~ 薄礼 allow me to present to you this trifling gift ◆具备 possess;have;be provided with; 具结 [旧] recognizances;sign an undertaking;binding over;enter into recognizances; 具名 put one's name to a docu ̄ ment,etc.;affix one's signature; 具体 concrete;specific;particular; 具体项目 specification item; 具体形象思维 concrete imaginal thinking; 具体行政行为 concrete administrative action; 具文 mere formality;dead letter; 具有 possess;have;be provided with |