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❶ (关;合) close;shut:关 ~ close;
停 ~ close out;
封 ~ seal off;close;~ 嘴! Shut up!;Hold your tongue!
❷ (堵塞不通) block up;obstruct;stop up:~ 住气 hold one's breath;stop breathing Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname:~ 伟 Bi Wei
◆闭点 {数} close point;
闭店 close up shop and stop business;
闭关 close the border;
闭关却扫 close the door and stop sweeping the courtyard and tracks;live in complete seclusion;avoid having contacts with the outside world;
闭关锁国 cut off one's country from the outside world;avoid having contacts with other countries;
闭关自守 close the country to international intercourse [external contacts];autarchy;autarky;close one's doors to the rest of the world;keep oneself to oneself;live in isolation;self-seclusion;shut oneself in;shut the door on the world;stand on the defensive with the gates of the cities closed;stop international intercourse;wall the country off from international exchanges [trade];闭合 close;shutting;synizesis;synezesis;occlusion;closure;make;occlus-;occluso-;闭环 closed loop;closed cycle;
闭口不谈 refuse to say anything about;avoid mentioning;not say a word about;keep mum;make no mention whatsoever of;maintain silence;
闭口无言 remain silent;be left speechless;be tongue-tied;close one's lips and say not a word;keep one's mouth shut;keep silent;
闭路 mesh;closed circuit;closed-loop circuit;closing;
闭路电视 closed-circuit TV;
闭门不出 keep close at home;be confined to the house;keep in;remain quietly at home behind closed doors;shut one's doors fast so as not to venture out again;
闭门读书 study behind closed doors;stay indoors at a desk covered with books;shut oneself in behind closed doors and devote oneself to book study;
闭门羹 cold-shoulder treatment;refusal of entrance;
闭门却扫 cut off communication with the outside world;
闭门思过 shut one's door and reflect on one's misdeeds;meditate on one's own faults behind closed doors;ponder over one's mistakes in solitude[behind closed doors];reflect on one's misdeeds [faults] in private;shut oneself and ponder over one's mistakes;
闭门谢客 shut one's door and decline seeing visitors [guests];lead a retiring life;lock oneself up in one's room;live in complete seclusion;shut one's door to chance visitors;stop receiving visits from friends;
闭门修养 “self-cultivation” behind closed doors;
闭门造车 shut oneself up in a room making a cart;carry out one's idea irrespective of external circumstances;divorce oneself from the masses and from reality and act blindly;do whatever one likes individually,oblivious of the world;draw up plans behind closed doors;indulge in fantasy (to build air castles);make a cart behind closed doors;work behind closed doors;work on [at] some project without reference to what the world requires [needs];闭幕 falling of the curtain;lower the curtain;close;conclude;
闭目养神 refresh one's spirit by closing one's eyes;close one's eyes and rest one's mind;close the eyes for rest;rest to attain mental composure;sit in repose with one's eyes closed;
闭塞 stop up;close up;hard to get to;out-of-the-way;inaccessible;unenlightened;out of touch;{电} blocking;blockage;bottoming;emphraxis;occlusion;occlusion; oblitelation;paralysis;rejection;seclusion;
闭锁 shutting;bottoming;interlock;rejection;latching;paralysis;clausura;
闭态 {数} closed state;
闭月羞花[羞花闭月] be so beautiful that the moon hides her face and the flowers blush for shame at sight of her;a beauty which would obscure the moon and make flowers blush;A woman's beauty puts the flowers to shame and outshines the moon.;(A dazzling beauty that) “makes the moon hide itself and flowers close up for being ashamed”.;of great female beauty

obstruction; blockage; closure





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