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单词 闭口无言

闭口无言bì kǒu wú yán

be left speechless; be tongue-tied; close one’s lips and not say a word; close one’s mouth and have nothing to say; have a bone(/stick) in one’s throat; have nothing to say;remain silent; shut one’s mouth and keep silence
❍ 到大寨,见了彭玘已做了头领,凌振~。(《水浒全传》698)When they went into the lair and Ling Zhen saw Peng Chiyi also made a chieftain,he closed his lips and did not say a word.
❍ 萧让听了,与金大坚两个~,……(《水浒全传》493) When Xiao Rang heard this he and Jin Dajian closed their mouths and had nothing to say.
❍ 彭亮说得陈四~。(知侠《铁道游击队》267) Peng Liang’s comments silenced Chen Si.
❍ 一席话说得赵姨娘~,只得回房去了,…… (《红楼梦》768) Concubine Zhao had nothing to say in reply to this lecture and had to go home.
❍ 宦成被他骂得~,忙收了银子,千恩万谢,…… (《儒林外史》 177) This scolding shut the servant’s mouth,and Huancheng hastily took the silver,thanked the runner profusely,…

闭口无言bì kǒu wú yán

沉默,不开口。remain silent, be left speechless, have nothing to say





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更新时间:2025/1/19 21:21:22