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单词 if
if/ ɪf/ conj & n

conj (1)如果(in the likely event that;on condition that)(与现在时和完成时连用,表示很可能发生的情况):I must leave~that's the case. 如果事情是那样,我必须离开。 I~(it is) true,this will cause us a lot of trouble. 如果这是真的,将会给我们带来很多麻烦。 I~it snows tomorrow,we will build a snowman. 如果明天下雪,我们就堆个雪人。 I~(it is) necessary,ring me at home. 如果有必要,给我家里打电话。He will come~(he is) asked. 如果要他来,他就会来的。You will forgive me~I have hurt you. 如果我伤了你的心,请你原谅。 I will return the book on Monday~I have finished it. 如果我看完了这本书,我星期一就还。

(2)假如(若),要是(与过去的时态连用,表示虚拟的情况)(supposing):I~I were you,I would go to night school. 我要是你,我就上夜校。 I~you had your choice,where would you go? 假如你可以选择,你要去哪儿? I~I knew her name,I would tell you. 我要是知道她的名字,我会告诉你的。You wouldn't be anywhere at all~it weren't for her. 要不是她,你将一事无成。I~you had asked me,I would have told you the whole story. 假如你问了我,我会把全部情况告诉你的。 I~it had not been for her,I might not have understood. 要不是她,我可能还不明白是怎么一回事。I~you were speaking for him,it would carry more weight. 假如你在代表他说话,你的话会更有分量。I should be more happy to go with you~I should not be in the way. 要是不妨碍你的话,我很高兴与你一起去。I~it hadn't been for the doctor's care,I should not be speaking to you now. 当时要不是医生的治疗,我现在就不能和你讲话了。

(3)请(与will 和would 连用,表示客气的请求):I~you will come this way,the manager will see you now. 请您这边走,经理现在就见您。I~you will be kind enough to fill in this form,I'll have your baggage brought in. 请您填好这张表,我这就叫人把您的行李送来。Pass me that box,~you would. 请把那个盒子递给我。

(4)(每)当……时(when(ever)):I always feel ill~someone is smoking near me. 一有人在我附近抽烟我就感到不舒服。I~they are tired,they have a short rest. 他们累了就休息一会儿。I~he feels any doubt,he asks. 他一有疑惑就问。I~she wanted to shop,she would go to Paris. 每当要购物时她就去巴黎。

(5)是否(whether)(用于ask,know,find out,wonder等动词之后):I asked her~she had any rooms to let. 我问她是否有房间要出租。I wonder~I can get some advice from you. 不知您是否能给我出点主意。She didn't say~she knew him or not. 她没有说是否认识他。

(6)即使,就算,虽然(even if;though):I~I am wrong,you are wrong,too. 就算我错了,你也不对。You must come in,~only for a minute. 你一定要进来,即使一小会儿也好。It was a nice,~humid,day. 虽说湿气有点儿重,可还是个好天。His style,~mannered,is pleasant to read. 他文章的风格虽然有点矫揉造作,读起来还是令人愉快的。The profits,~a little lower than last year's,are still extremely healthy. 利润虽然比去年低一点,但仍然是丰厚的。

(7)这不是,可是(用于否定句,表示惊奇、沮丧等):Well,~it isn't our old friend Smith! 哎,这不是我们的老朋友史密斯嘛! I~he isn't the laziest guy on earth! 他可是世界上最懒的家伙了! I~this isn't the best idea I've heard so far! 这可是到目前为止我听到的最好的主意!

if and when 如果(用来表示将来并不肯定的可能性):I~and when we ever meet again,I hope he remembers to apologize to me. 如果我们还能重逢,我希望他别忘了向我道歉。

if anything 甚至可以说,更可能的是,相反:She was,~anything,more absent-minded than usual. 可以说,她比以往更心不在焉。Joe isn't a bad boy. I~anything,he's a pretty good one. 乔不是个坏孩子。相反,他是个很好的孩子。

if need be 如果有必要的话:He would work all day,and all night,too,~need be. 如果有必要的话,他愿意整天,甚至整夜地工作。

if only 但愿,要是……就好了(通常用过去的时态,表示愿望):I~only they had enough sense of humour! 但愿他们有足够的幽默感! I~only it would stop raining! 但愿雨能停下来! I~we had only known. 要是当时我们知道就好了。

only if 只有(在句首时后面主句要倒装):Only ~you study hard can you pass the exams. 你只有努力学习才能通过考试。These snakes only attack~they feel threatened.只有感觉受到威胁这些蛇才会攻击。

n 条件,不确定因素(condition;uncertainty)[C](infml):The future is full of ~s. 未来充满着不确定因素。There are too many~s in his offer. 在他的提议中假设条件太多了。

ifs and buts 这样那样的借口:I don't want any~s and buts,swallow your medicine immediately. 我不要这样那样的借口,赶快把药喝下去。

【辨异】if whether均可用来引导一个间接一般疑问句,如:I'm not sure if/whether I'll have time.(我不能肯定我有时间。)当提出两种选择时,whether 更常用,特别是在正式文体中,如:Let me know whether you can come or not.(请告知我你是否能来。)whether后面可直接跟or not,if 则不可。某些动词(如discuss)后面只能跟whether,不能跟if,如:We discussed whether we should close the shop.(我们讨论了是否关闭这个店的问题。)whether可用在介词后,或带to的不定式前,if 则不能这样用,如:I haven't settled the question of whether I'll go back home.(我还没有决定是否要回家。)She doesn't know whether to get married now or wait.(她不知道是现在结婚还是再等一等。)引导主语从句时只能用whether,如:Whether they win or lose is all the same to me.(他们是赢还是输对我都一样。)





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