释义 |
克己奉公kè jǐ fèng gōngbe whole-heartedly devoted to public duty; be selfless and serve the people well; work selflessly for the pubilc interest ❍ 总而言之,一方面,党员个人应该完全服从党的利益,~,……(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》43) To sum up,on his side,every Party member should completely submit himself to the interests of the Party and self sacrificingly devote himself to the public duty. ❍ 特别是对于那些真正~的同志们,要给以更多的注意。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》 43) In particular,attention should be paid to comrades who are really selfless and who serve the people well. ❍ 自私自利,消极怠工,贪污腐化,风头主义等等,是最可鄙的;而大公无私,积极努力,~,埋头苦干的精神,才是可尊敬的。(《毛泽东选集》488)Selfishness,slacking,corruption,seeking the limelight,and so on,are most contemptible,while selflessness,working with all one’s energy,whole hearted devotion to public duty,and quiet hard work will command respect. 克己奉公deny oneself and work whole-heartedly for the public interest; devote selflessly to public duty 克己奉公kè jǐ fènɡ ɡōnɡ克制自己,以公事为重。形容严于律己,大公无私。work selflessly for the public interest, set strick demands on oneself in public service, whole-hearted devotion to public duty |