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单词 flatter
释义 flatter /'fiaetaCr); 'flaeta1/ vt 1 [VP6A] praise too much; praise insincerely (in order to please). 谄媚; 奉承; 阿谀。 2 [VP6A] give a feeling of pleasure to: 予以愉快的感觉: I feel greatly ~ed by your invitation to address the meeting. 蒙你邀请在这会议中演说,我感到非常愉快。 3 [VP6A] (of a picture, artist, etc) show (sb) as better looking than he is: (指相片,艺术家等)显示(某人)较其本来面目更漂亮: This photograph ~s you. 这照片比你本人漂亮。 4 ~ oneself that. pleased with one's belief that...: 自认为; 自以为: He ~ed himself that he spoke French with a perfect accent. 他百以为他说法文的腔调很完美。 ~er n person who ~s. 谄媚者; 奉承者。 ~ Y n [U] ~ing; insincere praise; [C] (pl -ries) instance of this; ~ing remark: Jg媚; 奉承; 阿谀之词: Don't be deceived by her flatteries. 勿为她的阿谀之词所骗。




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