释义 |
克[Ⅰ ❸- ❺剋]kèⅠ ❶ (能) can; be able to: 不 ~ 分身 be unable to leave what one is doing at the moment; can't get away; 弗 ~ 如愿 can not have it as one wished ❷ (克服; 克制) restrain; control: ~ 制 exercise restraint; 柔能 ~ 刚。 Softness can overcome strength. ❸ (攻下据点; 战胜) overcome; subdue; capture (a city, etc.): 迭 ~ 名城 capture one important city after another; 攻无不 ~ be invincible ❹ (消化) digest: ~ 食 help one's digestion ❺ (严格限定期限) set a time limit: ~ 期完工 set a date for completing the work Ⅱ ❶ (公制重量或质量单位) gram (g.) ❷ (藏族容量单位, 一克青稞约二十五斤) a Tibetan unit of volume or dry measure (holding about 25 jin of barley) ❸ (藏族土地面积单位,约合一市亩) a Tibetan unit of land area equal to about 1 mu ◆克当量 {化} gram equivalent; val; gram-equivalent weight; 克敌制胜 vanquish [conquer; defeat] the enemy; win the victory over the enemy; 克分子 {化} grammole; gram molecule; mole; grammol; 克服 surmount; overcome; conquer; [口] put up with; 克复 retake; recapture; recover; 克格勃 KGB, the Soviet State Security Committee (Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti); 克己 restrain one's selfishness; be strict with oneself; [旧] (of shops) claim that the goods are selling at low prices; economic; frugal; 克己待人 self-sacrificing; self-denial in service to others; 克己奉公 wholehearted devotion to public duty; repress the private for the public; self-denying and public-spirited; work selflessly for the public interest; 克己助人 do everything possible to help others; 克尽职守 strictly observe one's duty; 克卡 {物} therm; gram-calorie; 克扣 embezzle part of what should be issued; 克拉 carat; karat; 克朗 Krona; Krone; Koruna; 克郎球 caroms; 克劳修斯 Clausius; 克厘米 gram-centimetre; 克离子 {物} gram(me)-ion; 克里奥尔语 Greole (language); 克里姆林宫 [俄] the Kremlin; 克隆 {生} (无性繁殖复制) clone; 克隆羊 a sheep clone; clone a sheep; 克罗地亚 Croatia; 克罗马农[努]人 Cromagnon man; 克罗米 {化} chromium; 克期 (刻期) by the end of the time limit; 克勤克俭 be industrious and frugal [thrift]; be able to practice diligence and frugality; have capacity for industry and thrift; practise economy and diligence; 克日 [书] by a fixed date; 克山病 {医} Keshan disease; 克什米尔 Kashmir; 克食 help one's digestion; 克丝钳 (wire) cutting pliers; combination pliers; wire nippers; 克汀病 cretinism; 克原子 {化} gram (me)-atom; 克制 restrain; exercise restraint |