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单词 roost
释义 roost /ru: st; rust/ n [C] branch, pole, etc on which a bird rests, esp one for hens to sleep or rest on; hen-house, or that part of it, where fowls rest at night: 供鸟栖居的树技,竿等(尤指供鸡睡眠或栖止者); 鸡舍; 鸡舍内家禽过夜栖息之部分: at ~, on a ~. 栖息。 come home to ~. (of words) take effect upon the one who utters them. (指言语)对说出者产生效果。 rule the ~, be the leader or master. 做首领; 做主人。 vi [VP2A] (of birds) settle down for the night's sleep. (指鸟)栖息。




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