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单词 romance
释义 romance /rau'maens; ro'maens/ n 1 [C] story or novel of adventure; love story, esp one in which the events are quite unlike real life; [U] class of literature consisting of such stories. 冒险故事; 爱情故事 (尤指所述事件与现实生活颇为不同的传奇故事); 传奇文学。 2 [C] R~, medieval story, usu in verse, relating the adventures of some hero of chivalry. 中世纪的骑士故事 (通常用韵文写成,敍述骑士的冒险事迹) 。 3 [C] real experience, esp a love-affair, considered to be remarkable or worth description; (colloq) any love-affair, 被认为不平凡或値得敍述的真实经验 (尤指风流韵事); 罗曼史; (俗) 恋爱。 4 [U] state of mind which welcomes stories of the marvellous, etc; the qualities characteristic of stories of love and adventure: 喜欢不平凡故事的心理倾向; 爱情与冒险故事具有之特质: travel abroad in search of ~. 旅行外国以寻找不平凡的经验。 There was an air of ~ about the old castle. 这座古堡颇富浪漫气氛。 5 [C, U] exaggerated description; picturesque falsehood. 夸大的描述; 生动的虚构。 vi [VP2A] (more usu 较常用 romanticize) exaggerate by adding interesting or attractive details when telling a story, recounting events, etc. (讲故事,重述发生的事件等时) 增加有趣味或迷人的细节而夸张说出。




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