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单词 借题发挥

借题发挥jiè tí fā huī

give vent to one’s pent-up feelings on some extraneous pretext; make use of the subject under discussion to put over one’s own ideas; seize on an incident to exaggerate matters;seize on a theme to express one’s own view
❍ 那些无聊文人又要~了,我们还是先不去管它…… (高云览《小城春秋》243) Some of those silly literati would like nothing better than something like this to embroider upon; they’d write all sorts of articles. But let’s not talk about that now.
❍ 最后,杨子荣果断地想定了自己的对策: “我给他个~,大拉蝴蝶迷,……”(曲波《林海雪原》241) Finally,Zirong decided upon his tactics:I’ll ramble on and on about Butterfly Enticer.
❍ 然而要教训范博文到底有所不信,他只好拿阿萱来~……(茅盾《子夜》152) Since he could not very well give the poet a lecture he turned to take it out on his younger brother./……计划云云无非~,所以非农家子不妨用心思,将来不预备进农业学校的也可以用心思。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》 189) …the planning and so on is not an end in itself,only the means to an end. so there’s no harm in boys who are not from farming families putting their minds to this task—even those who have no intention of going on to an agricultural college can put their minds to it.
❍ 至于因私人感情而~. 那更是一种政客式的行为,这是与无产阶级的党绝对不相容的。(《周恩来选集》上—9) As for seizing on someone’s weaknesses and exaggerating them because you have a personal grudge against him,that is even worse: it is the tactic of a politician,absolutely out of place in a proletarian Party.

借题发挥jie ti fa hui

make use of the subject under discussion to put over one's own


make use of a subject to advance one’s own ideas;distort and exaggerate matters(to make a breakthrough at certain points)

借题发挥jiè tí fā huī

借着某个题目,表达自己真正的意见。 seize on an incident to exaggerate matters, take some pretext and make a fuss, play on the theme of





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