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单词 促膝谈心

促膝谈心cù xī tán xīn

have a heart-to-heart talk;have an intimate chat together; sit side by side and talk intimately; tete-a-tete
❍ 自从一九七四年十二月二十七日,送别了敬爱的周总理,我们就天天在盼,夜夜在想,盼望敬爱的周总理早日恢复健康,盼望再送总理去观察祖国的大好河山,到人民群众中~;……(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅱ—300) Ever since December 27,1974 when we said goodbye to Premier Zhou,we had been looking forward to the day when he would be well again,when we would again fly him on an inspection tour of our country’s beautiful land,to have heart-to-heart talks with the masses.
❍ 撤了大席,安排小酌,我们~。(孔尚任《桃花扇·媚座》) Remove the dishes and bring more wine. Let us indulge in a heart-to-heart talk.

促膝谈心cù xī tán xīn

促:挨近。靠近坐着谈心里话,比喻亲密地随便交谈。have a heart-to-heart talk, sit side by side and talk intimately





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