释义 |
满脸笑容满面生花;满面笑容;笑容满面mǎn liǎn xiào róngbe all smiles; beam with delight; grin from ear to ear; smile broadly ❍ 他忙摘下了礼帽,~的向这个趾高气扬的鬼子深深的鞠了一个躬,便坐在鬼子的对面。(知侠 《铁道游击队》 167) He took off his hat and,after making a ceremonious bow,accompanied by a broad smile,seated himself opposite the proud Japanese. ❍ 这新进来的鬼子~,在我旁边坐下,从桌上茶盘子里,拿了两块茶点,送到我的面前。(知侠《铁道游击队》)The new arrival was all smiles,as he sat down beside me,took two cakes from the tray on the table,and placed them in front of me. ❍ 王强带着满脸的笑容,跑来见老洪,……(知侠《铁道游击队》126) Wang Qiang hurried back to Liu Hong,beaming with delight at the information he had gathered. ❍ 他~. 嘴结巴得几乎说不出话来。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—358) His face was beaming and he was stammering so much that he could hardly speak. ❍ 大家的眼睛都充满了敬意。张司令和王政委~的走到他们身前,和他们一一握手。(知侠《铁道游击队》245) Everyone was very respectful as Commander Zhang and Political Commissar Wang,smiling broadly,shook hands with each of them in turn. ❍ 那夏太监也不曾负诏捧敕,直至正厅下马,满面笑容,走至厅上,南面而立,……(《红楼梦》175)❶He was not carrying an Imperial Edict,however. Having alighted in front of the main hall,he mounted the step with a beaming smile and,facing south,… ❷He rode straight on to the foot of the main hall.There,with beaming countenance,he got down from his horse,climbed the steps,faced south,… 满脸笑容mǎn liǎn xiào rónɡ形容非常高兴、开心。one’s face wreathed with smiles, be all smiles |