释义 |
满目凄凉mǎn mù qī liánga deserted place;desolation all round; a scene of desolation every where ❍ 矿山也是~。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》42) The mining district was deserted. ❍ 宝玉进得园来,只见~。(《红楼梦》1393) When Baoyu stepped into the Garden,it struck him as a scene of desolation. ❍ 剑波一转眼,又看见自己身旁站着一位年轻的姑娘,她~,头发散乱,像是凝住了一样呆望着地上,眼珠一转也不转。(曲波《林海雪原》10) Jianbo tore his gaze away,only to find himself looking at a girl standing right beside him. With mournful visage,her hair awry,she seemed to be frozen. |