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单词 heat
heat/hi:t/ n;v [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n (1) 1)热,高温(hotness;high temperature)[U]:adjust the~of the oven 调节烤箱温度;feel the~of the sun's rays感到阳光的热力;the~from the fire/of the sun 炉火/太阳的热度;(chemical reaction)give out much/produce tremendous~(化学反应)发出/产生巨大的热;~shield 热屏;~-resistant metal 抗热的金属;〖反〗coldness;2)热(暑)天(hot weather)[Ua~]:walk about in/suffer from the~在酷暑中走路/受炎热天气的灼烤;go out in a~of 40℃ 在摄氏40度的高温下出门;stand the sultry~of summer/August 忍受夏日/8月的酷暑;~rush 痱子;〖同〗hotness;〖反〗cold,coldness,

(2)热烈,激动,恼怒(strong feeling;excitement or anger)[U](fig):in the~of the moment在激烈的时候;in the~of the argument/the debate/the election在争论/辩论/选举运动的高潮中;in the~of the campaign/the fight在激烈的战役/战争中;in the~of the anger在火头上;the~of rage/passion强烈的怒火/感情;speak (argue) with considerable/much/great~相当/很/非常激动地讲话(争论);take the~out of the situation 缓和局势;The~is on. 激烈起来。be on (BrE)/in (AmE)~(指雌性哺乳动物)发情期;

(3)初(预)赛(one of a number of racescompetitionsetc that people take part inthe winners or best ones of which go on to (other races until they reach) the final race)[C]:be knocked out(eliminated) in the qualifying/first~(s) 在资格/首次预赛中被淘汰;win one's trial/one's preliminary~在预/初赛中获胜;There were six~s. 有六场初赛。

→′heat-stroke n 中暑;heatwave n 热浪;

v (使)变热(暖)((cause to) become hot or warm)[II+adv(up),T+nT+n+adv(up)]:The water is~ing. 水正在加热。get~ed with wine 喝酒后身体变暖;The room/air~ed up soon.房间/空气很快变暖了。~the offices给办公室供暖;~the cooked chicken 热一热已做熟的鸡;~up the coffee/the soup/the cold meat for supper 加热咖啡/汤/冷肉作为晚饭;a~ed swimming-pool 一个温水游泳池;〖同〗warm;〖反〗cool;

→heated adj 发怒的;热烈的;′heatedly adv 热(激)烈地;′heater n 加热设备(器);′heating n 暖气装置;加热法





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