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(空间、时间两端之间的距离小) short;brief:冬季日 ~ 夜长。 In winter the days are short and the nights long. 那外衣的袖子稍 ~ 了些。 The coat is a little short in the sleeves. 他说话简 ~。 He is brief of speech. 我给他写了封 ~ 信。 I dropped him a few lines. 这条路最 ~。 This is the shortest way. Ⅱ (缺少;欠) lack;owe:不 ~ 他钱 do not owe him money;
理 ~ lack sound argument;
别人都来了,就 ~ 他一个。 All the others are here;he's the only one missing. Ⅲ ❶ (缺点) weak point;fault:护 ~ shield a shortcoming or fault;
揭人的 ~ 儿 pick on sb.'s weakness;
说长道 ~ gossip
❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 仲 Duan Zhong
◆短标题 slug;
短兵相接 fight hand to hand with;be in close combat;close-quarter fighting;come to close quarters;engage in hand-to-hand fight;fight at close quarters [range];fight hilt to hilt;hand-to-hand fighting;war to the knife;
短柄 short handle;
短波 {电} SW (short wave);high frequency wave;
短不了 (不能缺少) cannot do without;(免不了) cannot avoid;have to;
短衬裤 shorts;
短程 short distance;short range;trip;
短秤 give short weight;
短处 shortcoming;failing;fault;weak point;defect;weakness;
短传 {体} short pass;
短促 of very short duration;very brief;pressed for time;short;swift;
短打 {剧} hand-to-hand fight in tights;(指短装) be dressed in a Chinese-style jacket and trousers;
短大衣 short overcoat;carcoat;
短刀 dagger;short sword;
短笛 {音} piccolo;
短调 {音} minor (key);
短吨 (美吨) ;short ton (=2,000磅);{力} just ton;
短发 bob;shingle;
短工 casual laborer;seasonal laborer;
短骨 {生理} os breve;short bone;
短号 {音} cornet;cornette;
短货 short shipment;
短见 (见解短浅) shortsighted view;shallow knowledge;(自杀) suicide;
短剑 dirk;dagger;half-sword;
短焦距光 low beam;
短焦距照相机 short-focus camera;
短角牛 shorthorn;
短斤缺两 give short weight or measure;give less than the proper weight [amount];短距离 short distance;
短裤 shorts;breeches;
短路 {电} short;short circuit;cutting-out;direct short;short out;short pass;
短命 die young;be short-lived;
短跑 {体} dash;sprint;
短篇小说 short story;
短片 short film;short;
短平快 (排球的快攻) short,adaptable and fast;rapid spike;(技术开发,投资少,见效快) research with little investment but quick result;instant effective;
短评 short commentary;brief comment;small comment;short review;
短期 short-term;short period;
短期决策 short-term decision;
短期投资 current investing;temporary investment;
短气 {医} shortness of breath;dispirited;downhearted;
短浅 narrow and shallow;
短欠 (欠) owe;be in arrears;(缺少) be short of;
短枪 short arm;handgun;
短球 {体} short ball;drop shot;
短缺 deficit;shortage;
短日照 short-day;
短上衣 jacket;[印度] banyan;banian;
短少 deficient;short;missing;lack;drought;
短时记忆 {心理} short-term memory;
短时间 short time;
短视 (近视)nearsight ̄edness;myopia;(眼光短浅) lack foresight;be short ̄sighted;
短寿命 short life;
短数 short number;
短索 {航海} tackline;pendant;pendent;laniard (lanyard);
短天线 {电} short antenna;
短统靴 ankle boots;
短途 short distance;
短袜 socks;anklet;
短文 short essay;
短纤维 short-staple;flocks;{纺} staple (fibre);
短线 {电} stub;
短线产品 product in short supply;
短小 short and small;short;small;
短小精悍 (指人身材短小而精明强干) dapper little;not of imposing stature but strong and capable;be very alert and agile;small,compactly built,and very capable;(指文章、讲话、戏剧等短小而有力) full of pith and point;short and pithy;short and sweet;terse and forceful;small but [and] effective;
短袖 cotta;
短训班 short-term training course;
短讯 flash;
短语 {语} phrase;
短元音 {语} short vowel;
短暂 of short duration;momentary;transient;brief;
短周期 short cycle;minor-cycle;
短装 be dressed in a Chinese-style jacket and trousers





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