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单词 矫枉过正

矫枉过正jiǎo wǎng guò zhèng

exceed (/go beyond) the proper limits in righting a wrong; over-corrected; overdo a correction (/reform/recti fication); straighten the crooked beyond the straight
❍ 而且,为了要建设一个新社会起见,为了把发言权给与那些一向做着受压迫者,一向没有发言权的人们起见,不得已的~也是免不掉的事。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—197)Besides,a certain entremism is unavoidable if you want to build up a new society and give freedom of speech to those who have always been oppressed and denied that freedom.
❍ 凡~而刻意求名者,概从割爱,……(鲁迅《朝花夕拾·后记》78)…weeding out all those stories which aim at winning a name by exceeding proper limits,…/社会科学的钻研使他~的排斥一切同爱情有关的诗的情绪。(高云览《小城春秋》220) An overzealous mechanical application of the social scien ces he was studying led him to reject the poetic emotions attendant on love.


exceed the proper limits in righting a wrong;excessive; overcorrect; overshoot the mark

矫枉过正jiǎo wǎnɡ ɡuò zhènɡ

矫:扭转;枉:弯曲。把弯曲的扭直,但超过了正常限度,反而适得其反。比喻纠正错误,超过了应有的限度。overcorrect, overshoot one’s mark, overdo in righting a wrong, take excessive measures, straighten the crooked to excess





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