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❶ (拨水前进) paddle;row: ~ 船 paddle [row] a boat;go boating;
他们每分钟 ~ 40桨。 They rowed 40 to the minute. 探险者们谨慎地把独木舟向上游 ~ 去。 The explorers paddled their canoe cautiously upstream.
❷ (合算) be to one's profit;pay: ~ 得来。 It is worthwhile.;It pays. 这么好的地,种饲料 ~ 不来。 It doesn't pay to grow feed crops on such good soil.
❸ (用尖锐的东西在别的东西上割) scratch;cut the surface of: ~ 玻璃 cut a piece of glass;
闪电 ~ 过长空。 The lightning flashed across the sky. 她手 ~ 破了。 Her hands were scratched.
❹ (一种东西在另一种东西上擦或扫过) scratch;strike: 他 ~ 了一根火柴。 He struck a match.
另见 see also huà;huɑi。
◆划臂 arm pull;
划玻璃刀 diamond cutter;
划玻璃钻 glass diamond;
划不来 not worthwhile;it doesn't pay to;
划船 row;paddle [row] a boat;go boating;
划得来 it will pay to;worthwhile;
划掉 elide;
划过 streak;sweep;
划桨技术 rowing technique;
划桨炮舰 galeas;
划桨者 paddler;
划拉 [方] brush away;scrawl;
划破 scarification;amyxis;laceration;
划拳 finger-guessing game — a drinking game at feasts;
划水 arm pull;
划算 calculate;weigh;be to one's profit;paying;pay;
划艇 pulling-boat;lurker;Canadian canoe;canoe;rowboat;
划行 paddle;row;
划子 small rowboat


❶ (划分) delimit; differentiate: ~ 成分 determine class status;~ 界 delimit a boundary;
中国与朝鲜的边界已正式 ~ 定了。 The border between China and Korea has been formally delimited.
❷ (划拨) transfer;assign: ~ 款 transfer money;
国营农场把试验田 ~ 给这个小组负责。 The state farm assigned the experimental plot to that group.
❸ (计划) plan: 筹 ~ plan and prepare;
规 ~ programme;plan
❹ (用笔或类似笔的东西做出线或作为标记的文字) draw;mark;delineate: ~ 出课文要点 mark the main points in the text;~ 掉一个字 cross out a word;~ 十字 mark sth. with a cross Ⅱ (汉字的一笔叫一划) stroke (of a Chinese character)
另见 see also huá;huɑi。
◆划拨 appropriate;transfer;assign;allot;
划策 give counsel;
划出标记 score marks;
划等号 equate;
划地绝交 sever friendship by making a mark on the ground;
划[画]地为牢 draw a circle on the ground as a prison for sb.;draw a circle on the ground for sb. as a house of detention [as a prison];restrict sb.'s activities to a designed area or sphere;
划定 delimit;designate;
划伐更新 regeneration under coppice system;
划伐作业 femel-cutting system;
划分 divide;partition;repartition;differentiate;
划粉 tailor's chalk;
划归 put under (sb.'s administration,etc.);incorporate into;
划痕 scratch;score;
划界 description;demarcation;bracketing;
划框框 set limits;place restrictions;
划清 draw a clear line of demarcation;make a clear distinction;distinguish;
划清界限 draw a demarcation line with sb.;be sharply demarcated from;distinguish between things that are different in nature;draw [make] a clear distinction;draw a clear [sharp] line between A and B;make a clean break with sb.;
划区医疗 district medical care;
划区渔业 demarcated fishery;
划曲线 tracing;
划时代 epoch-making;
划线 lineation;marking off;marking out;marking-on;ruling;score;scribing;{建} chalk line;
划虚线器 pricker;
划押 (画) mark signature;
划样裁剪师 chopper;
划一 standardized;uniform;
划一不二 uniform;as prices;No bargaining or haggling.;fixed;unalterable;rigid;uniform;stereotyped;
划针 embossing stylus;scratch awl


(构词成分): 㓦 ~ [bāi huɑi] [方] ❶ (处置;安排) deal with;arrange
❷ (修理;整治) repair;renovate
另见 see also huá;huà。

lateral dissolve





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